Suggestible - GR3
Original Prototype Pictures
Model 1:
these four pictures are sliding suggestion screens that we fed through the drawn android window. The first three image shows the starting screen of the application with all types of suggestions being made. The second image shows suggestions in all categories but food (So when the user chooses to filter out food from the suggestion pool). The third image is all food suggestions. The last image is a screen of suggestions of restaurants you get if you press a food category from the main suggestion screen (like Italian or Pizza rather than a specific restaurant).
this picture shows the sliding suggestion screen set up in the android screen. When the user made scrolling motions on the screen with their fingers we pulled the long suggestion paper up or down to mimic scrolling.
Picture 1 shows the scrolling window set up as well as the transparency that covers the whole display which shows which filters are selected. The second picture shows the menu that pops up when the user presses the android menu button. The third picture is the screen you get to if you press "see deleted listings" on the menu from the second image. The last picture is an example of a screen you get to if you press on a suggestion. It shows a map or picture as well as buttons that link you to more information about the suggestion.
Model 2 (Same pop-up menus and info pages):
This is a sample of the main window of our second version of the prototype. We used the transparency to change the suggestions. This version shows one suggestion at a time and scrolls left and right. The screens are the same as the previous model when you press "Find It!".
Name: Suggestible
Platform: Android Mobile Phone
Briefing: This application will use the power of suggestion to help a person decide how to spend their free time by recommending food, books, movies and places to go.
Scenario Tasks
Task 1: You're looking for something fun to do but you just came from lunch so you don't want food.
Task 2: You've had some childhood trauma and have an irrational fear of museums, Dr. Seuss, and ice cream.
Task 3: You're a picky eater, find somewhere to eat that has a four star rating.
Task 4: You've been running around all day, and you want to find something you can do at home.
Task 5: (Round 1): You've just given up being a vegetarian so you would like to add steak and hamburgers back into the suggestion pool.
(Round 2): You used to be a vegetarian, so you previously deleted steak and hamburgers from your suggestion pool. Add them back now.
In task 5, many users didn't understand the delete functionality and the fact that there was a list of deleted items. We reworded the task to make it clear that they had previously deleted these items, which improved the situation, but some still had problems in the second round of testing. This could be due to the fact that none of them had used Android devices, and thus were less familiar with the "Menu" hardware button.
Updates to Prototype
Changes based on feedback
- (done) add more information once the user has selected movies, books, etc, like reviews
- (done) buttons are smaller and closer together so that more information can fit on screen
- (done) removing categories from the food listing
- (done) change some of the button labels, amazon to amazon instant
- (done) task 5 rewritten, hopefully it’s clearer now
- (done) cancel button causes a strikethrough and the red x changes to an undo arrow for three seconds before the option goes away
- (done) added additional scroll screen for just movies and books (for task 4)