This information relates to setting up Moves so that starts and communicates with
- The OC4J container that Moves is running on
- Mitsis Database
- Maven Command Line
- Subversion Command Line
- MIT Maven repository.
It does not cover ongoing maintenance of the applications that moves builds/deploys. Nor does it cover maintenance of containers that moves deploys applications to. People who might be interested in this section are:
- Ops folks who need to setup or debug MOVES in Development, Test or Production
- MOVES Developers. Ie developers who are maintaining moves itself, and need to stand up a Debug/Build environment.
OC4J datasource
The datasource is configured in ${OC4J installation Directory}/j2ee/home/config/data-sources.xml. On Test and Prod environments the username for the datasource is always ds_gen_moves. Developers should never use this username. Instead, they should use the oracle username and password that was given to them by their database administrator.
<data-source class="com.evermind.sql.DriverManagerDataSource" name="OracleDS" location="jdbc/MitsisDS" xa-location="jdbc/xa/StargateXADS-unused" ejb-location="jdbc/OracleDS-unused" connection-driver="oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver" username="your-oracle-username" password="******" url="jdbc:oracle:thin:@//" inactivity-timeout="30" />
Development and Production containers.
- Development - sky-app-1
- Production - sea-app-1
Moves should be configured on a standalone container and NOT ON A CLUSTER. The code is not cluster safe due to scheduling and log file restrictions.
Truststores and keystores
The trustore for Moves must include the MIT Certificate Authority. The keystore requirements are the same as for any other apps. (The keystore is required to access the roles database).
The standard location for the truststore and keystore are
- Trust Store: ${OC4J installation Directory}/j2ee/home/config/serverTrustStore.jks
- Key Store: ${OC4J installation Directory}/j2ee/home/config/moves-test.jks (Test/Development) OR ${OC4J installation Directory}/j2ee/home/config/moves.jks (Production)
Properties file
# These properties are used to access the maven repository mit.maven.repository.username=moves#string mit.maven.repository.password=dvtlsais # The moves App allows you to create environments. The standard environments are # P (Production), Q (QA), D (Development). Below we have properties to set the oc4j # usernames and passwords for these environments. If you add new environments you need # to add new properties # oc4j.deployer.username.[environmentTypeId]=[oc4j username] # oc4j.deployer.password.[environmentTypeId]=[oc4j password] # # So for example, if you add a UAT environment (U) you would add # oc4j.deployer.username.U=[oc4j username] # oc4j.deployer.password.U=[oc4j password] # # OC4J username and password to deploy applications to Dev environments (environmentTypeId=D) oc4j.deployer.username.D=oc4jadmin oc4j.deployer.password.D=admin # OC4J username and password to deploy applications to QA environments (environmentTypeId=Q) oc4j.deployer.username.Q=oc4jadmin oc4j.deployer.password.Q=admin # OC4J username and password to deploy applications to prod environments (environmentTypeId=P) oc4j.deployer.username.P=oc4jadmin oc4j.deployer.password.P=admin webservices.mitroles.url= local.user.password=eotoole local.mitroles = MOVES_ADMIN, MOVES_MANAGER, MOVES_DEV, MOVES_QA, MOVES_TEST, MOVES_PROD local.authentication = true webservices.keyStore=C:/product/oc4j_extended_101350/j2ee/home/config/moves-test.jks webservices.keyStorePassword=changeit webservices.trustStore=C:/product/oc4j_extended_101350/j2ee/home/config/serverTrustStore.jks webservices.trustStorePassword=changeit