Attendees: Peter Cohn (chair), Remlee Green, Angie Locknar, Georgiana McReynolds, Anita Perkins, Alan Rostoff, Mark Szarko (minutes), Lisa Sweeney
Angie provided an update on the graduate student orientation. The Grad School 102 session went well, with close to 300 attending. Substantial feedback was received. Angie is going through the feedback forms and is working to sort them by department so subject specialists can see what's on the minds of their grad students. Ellen Duranceau gave a short presentation on scholarly communication and copyright, which was very well received by the students.
Angie provided an update on 3.091. The Teaching and Learning Lab is involved in a major assessment effort for 3.091 that will include surveys and focus groups. The students will have 4 homework assignments, with each one having a Libraries-related question about a Nobel-winning paper.
Peter provided an update on the instruction plan. Members of the task force have been gathering feedback from their units, and will meet soon to discuss. It's on the agenda for the PSLG meeting scheduled for October 11.
Peter described a change in policy on access to the GSD Library at Harvard. Users should be aware that they will now have to swipe their special borrowers card in order to gain access to the library.
Georgiana is working on some changes to the dates of the BLC cards, which Steve has approved. She will run these changes by BLC next.
Mark and Angie announced that orientation went well this year.
Assessment Report Update - Next Steps:
The group discussed various points of the report that Anita put together. Among the ideas:
• Language will be added about including CFG in any outreach efforts to raise user awareness of the subject pages.
• Mark will talk to Peter Munstedt about this, since CFG is also seeking to collaborate with RISG on their assessment plan.
• Peter will revise the paragraph about the linking statistics.
• Remlee will work on adding a section to the wiki where working documents such as this one can live.
• Anita will add the assessment plan to the wiki.
• Peter will take the document to Steve, who will add it to PSLG's agenda.
Goals for Coming Year:
Reference Manual - we need to update this document. Lisa Horowitz reminded us that other groups are also working on similar projects (in terms of where this kind of documentation will live), so we should focus on content, not formatting.
Review Reference Vision from 2002 - since this document talked about what Reference would look like in 2007, we should revisit it.
Ask Us Page - currently, the information is presented in terms of how the user wants to get in touch with us. Should we revise this so that emphasis is on subject selector page? We looked at the research consultation form and noticed a few more updates that need to happen---Remlee will follow-up with Marion to fix.
Instruction Plan - contains several projects. Among the most pressing are a repository of instructional materials and an assessment survey that needs to be completed by IAP for people to give users. Peter will review the plan and pull out other action items and put them on wiki.
Spring Seminar Planning
Reference Statistics Tool - Since Ref Tracker didn't work out, we need to look at other options.
Checklist of things we always have to do (IAP coordinator, etc)
Next Assessment Plan
Establish list that lays out ownership of certain projects (virtual reference pages, instruction pages, wiki, etc)
Bibliographic software support - we need to articulate what our role is. A statement about what support is available from the Libraries, and distribute it across system.
IAP Survey and Reference Manual - both should be discussed at next meeting. We agreed that we will need task forces for both. Georgiana volunteered to work on the reference manual. Angie volunteered for the IAP Survey
Changes to submission Form for IAP Events - Angie will check with Alex about this.
Tours - Georgiana is setting up a meeting with the tours office to discuss the accuracy of the information about the Libraries. Georgiana, Mark, and someone from ESL will attend.
Tutorials Task Force - we need to review Patty's assessment of the tutorials.