Here is a brief (not-exhaustive) list of possible goals that could be included in any plan for Marine Protected Areas (MPAs):
Conservation of Biodiversity:
An MPA can be set up preserve an ecosystem as a whole. Some would argue that there is intrinsic value in the protection of representative habitats. Additionally, there is the economic/practical value of the marine ecosystem services that could be preserved by MPAs. The positive impacts can be maximized by preserving a diverse array of ecosystems and species.
Protection of Individual Populations:
An MPA can be used as a refuge for depleted, rare, threatened or endangered species. These could be most effective if targeted at critical habitats or critical stages of the life cycle, such as breeding, feeding, etc.
Habitat or Population Recovery:
MPAs can be used to give time for a damaged or depleted entity to recover. By halting the damaging activity, such as trawling, dumping, etc. time is hopefully given for the impacts of the activity to wear off.
Fishery Management:
Fishery reserves can play a significant role in maintaining the long-term sustainability and profitability of a fishery. Primarily, the benefit derives from control of exploitation rates. Fishery reserves can also be deployed to protect the most vulnerable life stages of a target species, improving reproductive success and overall biomass.
Provide Scientific Knowledge:
Often, it is