Lunch: Basta! Mapping and Storytelling The World's Fastest Growing Occupation
Thursday, October 27, 2011 - 12:00pm - 1:30pm, MIT Media Lab, E15-344
RSVP required: Marisa Jahn and journalist Julian Rubinstein will present a "Basta!: Mapping the World's Fastest Growing Occupation," a project launched by People’s Production House and in partnership with Sourcemap that covers the global Occupy Wall Street movement.
Civic Media Session: "Mapping Media Ecosystems"
Wednesday, November 2, 2011 - 5:00pm - 7:00pm, MIT Media Lab, E15-344
Hal Roberts, Erhardt Graeff, Gilad Lotan
This session looks beyond platforms to explore the concept of media ecosystems. How do we understand, map, visualize, and ultimately shape the flow of texts across an increasingly diverse and complex media ecosystem? What are the relationships between professional and citizen, participatory and broadcast media? How do we understand what people are encountering, both in terms of supply (tools like Media Cloud that examine what's published) and demand (tracking/logging efforts that look at individual or group consumption?
==================Data Therapy Webinar: Techniques for Creative Data Presentation
Wednesday, November 9, 2011 - 12:00pm - 1:30pm
Webinar Registration
Is your data getting you down? Clunking up your reports? Stressing you and your colleagues out? If so and you’d like some help, we’d love to help cure your data presentation woes at our “Data Therapy” webinar. MIT researcher Rahul Bhargava will walk you through some of the best practices for making creative presentations of your data.
Andrew Whitacre
Communications Manager
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
(617) 324-0490 | |