Please simply list-up the microbial strains you have.
EXCEL work sheet can be copied & Pasted.
| | | Name | Strain || B | 1 | Vibrio sp. | 12B9 GFP || B | 2 | Vibrio sp. | 12B9RFP || B | 3 | Vibrio cycrotrophicus | 1F53 GFP || B | 4 | Vibrio cycrotrophicus | 1F53 RFP || B | 5 | Vibrio cycrotrophicus | 1F111 GFP || B | 6 | Vibrio cycrotrophicus | 1F111 RFP || B | 7 | Vibrio sp. | ZF240 GFP || B | 8 | Vibrio sp. | ZF240 RFP || B | 9 | | || C | 1 | Vibrio crassostreae | 13D11 GFP || C | 2 | Vibrio crassostreae | 13D11 RFP || C | 3 | Vibrio sp. | ZF223 GFP || C | 4 | Vibrio sp. | ZF223 RFP || C | 5 | Vibrio cycrotrophicus | 1F273 RFP || C | 6 | | || C | 7 | | || C | 8 | | || C | 9 | | || D | 1 | Vibrio cycrotrophicus | ZF65 || D | 2 | Vibrio cycrotrophicus | ZF270 || D | 3 | Vibrio ordalii | FS144 || D | 4 | Vibrio ordalii | FF93 || D | 5 | Vibrio ordalii | 1S257 || D | 6 | Vibrio ordalii | 12B9 || D | 7 | Vibrio cycrotrophicus | 1F273 || D | 8 | Vibrio cycrotrophicus | 1F175 || D | 9 | Vibrio cycrotrophicus | 1F111 || E | 1 | Vibrio cycrotrophicus | ZF14 || E | 2 | Vibrio cycrotrophicus | 1F289 || E | 3 | Vibrio cycrotrophicus | 1F289 || E | 4 | V. alginolyticus | YM4 |Melissa
Name |
Strain |
Vibrio corallilyticus |
BAA-450 (directly from ATCC) |