7/29 Meeting
8/2 Brainstorm
IS&T Service Portfolio Data Dictionary (Glossary of Terms)
9/13 Meeting
The full list of process maps can be found here: Process Models
1. Review Definitions:
2. Subprocesses
a. Short Term
i. New software request prioritization
ii. What are decision criteria for adding new software
1. ROI to Community
a. Business Need
b. Educational need
c. Financial Gain
i. Time
ii. Buying Power
2. Support burden/Cost
3. Does it support mission of MIT
b. Long Term
i. RACI matrix
ii. Service Portfolio
iii. Cost Models
iv. Map “Feasibility Lite” process
v. Map “Acquisition Lite” process
vi. OLA Creation (VSLS/HS)
c. Out of Scope (for this project)
i. Requirements Gathering (PMBA)
ii. Request fulfillment triage
iii. Support process improvements (HD/DITR)
3. Map Short Term processes
4. Discussion
a. Who “owns” these processes (Feasibility, Acquisition, etc.)
i. 1 AD
ii. Cross directorate team to do the day-to-day work
b. What authority do they need?
c. What resources do they need?
i. Visibility into spending/costs
ii. Time to do the work
iii. SW Portfolio to track costs/spending
5. Review recommendation structure
a. Overview/Problem Statement
b. Who “owns” it
c. Process Maps
d. Next Steps