You may wish to test your software installation prior to visiting the telescope.
Or alternatively if you experience problems running FIREHOSE you may wish to test with a dataset known to produce good results, to insure there is not an error with your installation.
The instrument team has posted a small data set on the FIRE svn server for this purpose, available via anonymous svn. To download, "cd" into a directory where you would like the test data to reside on your local machine, and type the following at a unix prompt:
svn co svn:// my_testdir
This will check out the files and place them in the "my_testdir" subdirectory. Within this there should be a directory with raw data, a "redux" directory containing only a mock Magellan observing catalog file, and a brief observing "log" indicating which raw files are which exposure types. With these files and the cookbook instructions you should be able to reduce a single spectrum from start to finish.