The Explorer 349nm Nd-YLF laser is a diode-pumped solid state laser. The peak in spectrum is at 349nm, 3rd harmonic frequency of Nd-YLF.
Class: III-B. Please wear goggles of OD5+ at this wavelength range.
Maximum pulse energy ~ 120 micron Jules.
Pulse width: < 5ns.
Repetition rate: single shot to 5kHz
Beam diameter (at waist)~0.150mm
Beam Divergence: < 3.5mrad
This model is: Explorer 349-120
Current Location: 36-228
Vendor: Newport
Manual: User Manual
Specifications: Datasheet
Control Programs: See to disk at lab 36-228
Price: ~$40K
Purchase Date: 07/27/2011
(Missing) Tektronix TDS3GV Communication Module, GPIB, RS-232, VGA
The Tektronix TDS3GV module combines the function of two modules previously available TDS3GM and TDS3VM.