Hongchul (1 item)
- Thermo PH/Conductivity Meter (Thermo Orion 550A PH/Conductivity meter), currently discontinued, Price of one having similar spec. : $1180
Jeff (2 items)
- Small centrifuge with AdjusTable Speed
- Simple microscope
Roberto (5 items)
- VWR Recirculating Water Bath or Fisher Scientific Isotemp 3016D Refrigerated Circulator
- Thermo Scientific Conductivity/Salinity meter.
- Eppendorf Centrifuge
- Lab-Line Titer Plate Shaker
- Fisher Scientific Incubator
Steve (3 items)
- Temp controlled shaking incubator for larger volumes (~1 L), usually floor level.
- Fridge/freezers
- PCR machine (peltier)