The tar files contain spectra, responses and background files necessary to reproduce the spectral analysis in Nevalainen et al., 2010 (A&A, 523, 22)which yielded results summarised in
Fig.1: The average relative difference (diamonds) +- the error of the mean of the fluxes (solid line) and temperatures (dotted line) for different instrument pairs in the soft band (left side of the plot) and in the hard band (right side of the plot)
SASv9.0 was used for processing the XMM-Newton data with calibration information from December 2009.
XMM-Newton MOS1 and MOS2 spectra and responses are combined and referred to as MOS instrument.
For most clusters the Chandra data are obtained with ACIS-S, but for some ACIS-I is used, and marked accordingly.
Chandra data are processed with CIAO 4.2. (see details)
The script files bestfit....xcm will set up the best fit. In more detail:
- The scripts use a 1-temperature phabs x mekal model.
- The column density is from Kalberla et al. (2005) and the absorption cross-sections are from Balucinska-Church & McCammon (1992).
- The scripts use the metal abundance table from Grevesse & Sauval (1998).
- 2. and 3. term in the script file name are the inner and outer radii of the spectrum extraction annulus in arcmin.
- *hard*, *soft* and *wide* refer to the fits done in 2.0-7.0 keV, 0.5-2.0 keV and 0.5-7.0 keV bands, respectively.
*fe* refers to the Fe XXV/XXVI "constr." fit in [6.45 - 7.25]/(1+z) band, i.e. with a prior for the emission measure.
For flux comparison, scale the measured fluxes to the full annulus by dividing with the fraction of the covered full annulus
Cluster Instrument
A1795 XMM-Newton/pn XMM-Newton/MOS Chandra/ACIS-S
A2029 XMM-Newton/pn XMM-Newton/MOS Chandra/ACIS-S
A2052 XMM-Newton/pn XMM-Newton/MOS Chandra/ACIS-S
A2199 XMM-Newton/pn XMM-Newton/MOS Chandra/ACIS-S
A262 XMM-Newton/pn XMM-Newton/MOS Chandra/ACIS-S
A3112 XMM-Newton/pn XMM-Newton/MOS Chandra/ACIS-S
A3571 XMM-Newton/pn XMM-Newton/MOS Chandra/ACIS-S
A85 XMM-Newton/pn XMM-Newton/MOS Chandra/ACIS-I
Coma XMM-Newton/pn XMM-Newton/MOS Chandra/ACIS-I
HydraA XMM-Newton/pn XMM-Newton/MOS Chandra/ACIS-S
MKW3S XMM-Newton/pn XMM-Newton/MOS Chandra/ACIS-I