iPod Touch
#1 - Darcy
#2 - Stephanie - new one with camera
#3 - Stephanie's old iPod Touch (soon to be stored in Nicole's office until we find a use)
iPad, version 1
#1 - Darcy
#2 - Stephanie
#3 - Remlee
#4 - Lisa S. (3G)
#5 - staff loaner
Flip Video cameras
#1 - Nicole's file cabinet
#2 - Lisa Sweeney
Livescibe pen
(records audio to MP3, writes on special paper for taking notes)http://www.livescribe.com/en-us/
#1 - Lisa H. has it for interviews for Digital Scholarship study
Barnes & Noble Color Nook
#1 - staff loaner
#2 - soon to be loaned to public (in Nicole's office for now)
#3 - soon to be loaned to public (in Nicole's office for now)
Kindle 3
#1 - staff loaner
#2 - soon to be loaned to public (in Nicole's office for now)
#3 - soon to be loaned to public (in Nicole's office for now)
Coming soon:
iPad, version 2
#1. Darcy - black, green cover
#2. Remlee - black, orange cover
#3. Stephanie - black, orange cover
#4. Lisa S. (for GIS).... get a 3G version, color?
To be cascaded, iPad, version1
#1. Melissa F.
#2. a selector from Tracy or Millicent's group
#3. a selector from Tracy or Millicent's group
#4. Daniel Sheehan (Lisa's 3G, for GIS work)