- Ora Gladstone
- ora
- Founder and Organizer of Addir Interfaith Fellows, the interfaith dialogue group on campus
- Mary Beth Mills-Curran
- marybeth
- Intern in the Religious Building and former MIT Graduate Student
- Alumni of the Interfaith Council
- See child pages
- Dean Robert Randolph
- randolph
- Chaplain to the Institute
- Princeton Religious Life Council
- http://rlc.princeton.edu/
- Contact: Paul Raushenbush - praushen AT princeton DOT edu
- Johns Hopkins Interfaith Council
- http://web1.johnshopkins.edu/chaplain/index.php/ifc.html
- Contact: Kathryn Schnurr - kschnurr AT jhu DOT edu
- http://web1.johnshopkins.edu/chaplain/index.php/ifc.html
- Harvard Interfaith
- http://www.nataliejacoby.com/HCIC/index.php
- Contact: Chelsea Link - chelsea.sky.link AT gmail DOT com
- http://www.nataliejacoby.com/HCIC/index.php
- Interfaith Youth Core
- http://www.ifyc.org/
- Founder: Eboo Patel (a very busy guy)
- http://www.ifyc.org/