Advanced tasks at Eucalyptus
virtual cluster scripts, documentation is here: $VIRTUALCLUSTER_HOME/docs/README
skip: *on other systems, **Setting credentials*, where echo $VIRTUALCLUSTER_HOME
- Log into
change shell to bash or python will crash - Load the Eucalyptus tools + virtual cluster tools, order of loading matters
module load tig virtualcluster euca2ools python/2.7.1 screen - setup system variables & your credentials stored in your 'eucarc' script:
source ~/key-euca2-balewski-x509/eucarc (for bash)
make sure EUCA_KEY_DIR is set properly - create and format EBS volume:
ec2-create-volume --size 5 --availability-zone euca
VOLUME vol-82DB0796 5 euca creating 2010-12-17T20:24:45+0000- check the volume is created
VOLUME vol-82DB0796 5 euca available 2010-12-17T20:24:45+0000 - Create an instance: euca-run-instances -k balewski-euca emi-39FA160F (Ubuntu) and check it runs: euca-describe-instances | sort -k 4 | grep run
- STAR VM w/ SL10k: euca-run-instances -k balewski-euca -t c1.xlarge emi-48080D8D
- STAR VM w/ SL11a: euca-run-instances -k balewski-euca -t c1.xlarge emi-6F2A0E46
- Attach EBS volume to this instance : euca-attach-volume -i i-508B097C -d /dev/vdb vol-82DB0796
euca-attach-volume -i <instance-id> -d /dev/vdb <volumeid> - ssh to this instance and format the EBS volume: ssh -i ~/key-euca2-balewski-x509/balewski-euca.private root@
- yes | mkfs -t ext3 /dev/vdb
mkdir /apps
mount /dev/vdb /apps - terminate this instance : euca-terminate-instances i-508B097C
- check the volume is created
- re-mount already formatted EBS disk to a single node## start VM, attach volume## ssh to VM, do mkdir /apps;mount /dev/vdb /apps
- to mount 2nd EBS volume to the same machine you need it first format as above, next mount it with different: /dev/vdc & mount as /someName
- setup & deploy VM cluster using a common EBS volume
- Create a .conf on local machine and edit appropriately, following $VIRTUALCLUSTER_HOME/docs/sample-user.conf
cp ...sample-user.conf /global/u2/b/balewski/.cloud/nersc/user.conf , set properly : EBS_VOLUME_ID=vol-82DB0796 - export CLUSTER_CONF=/global/u2/b/balewski/.cloud/nersc/user.conf
- launch your 3-nodes cluster, it will be named 'balewski-cent' , do: vc-launcher newCluster 3
- after many minutes check if # launched instances matches, oly head node will have good IP , do euca-describe-instances
- ssh to the head node, do ssh -i ~/key-euca2-balewski-x509/balewski-euca.private root@
- ssh to a worker node from the head node, do : ssh root@
- verify the EBS disk is visible, do : cd /apps/; ls -l
- Create a .conf on local machine and edit appropriately, following $VIRTUALCLUSTER_HOME/docs/sample-user.conf
- add nodes to existing cluster : vc-launcher addNodes 4
- terminate cluster, do : vc-launcher terminateCluster balewski-cent
- List of local IPs: cat ~/.cloud/nersc/machineFile | sort -u , global head IP: cat ~/.cloud/nersc/.vc-private-balewski-cent
- Change type of VMs added to the cluster.## copy full config: cp /global/common/carver/tig/virtualcluster/0.2.2/conf/cluster/cluster.centos.conf /global/homes/b/balewski/.cloud/nersc## redefine INSTANCE_TYPE=c1.xlarge, IMAGE_ID=emi-5B7B12EE
- your user.conf
- remove the CLUSTER_TYPE line
- add CLUSTER_CONF=/global/homes/b/balewski/.cloud/nersc/cluster.centos.conf
- vc-launcher addNodes 4
- your user.conf
Trouble shooting:
- version of python whould be at least 2.5, to test it type:
which python
/usr/bin/env python - sssdes
Not tested instruction how to setup NFS on a worker node
For doing this manually, you can use the standard linux distribution instructions on how to do that. Here are some high-level instructions based on how the virtual cluster scripts does it for CentOS. On the master a) You will need an entry for each slave-partition you expect to serve to the worker nodes (You should see entries for /apps if you) b) Then restart nfs $ service nfs restart On each worker a) mkdir /data b) mount <master IP>:/data /data
Web page monitoring deployed VMs , updated every 15 minutes
Can you explain the meaning of every line? node=c0501 node name, eucalyptus runs on nodes c0501 through c0540 mem=24404 /24148 memory total/free (in MB) disk=182198/ 181170 space available/free - will check tomorrow what units. but I need to check what space is it actually listing here cores=8/ 6 cores total/free