STAR disks:
1.5 TB /eliza14/star/pwgscr
STAR software specific instructions for Eucalyptus
Matt started problem-tracking page:
e-mail to NERSC: Consult <>
Quota on /project disk, from Eric
You can use prjquota to check the quotas on NFG (/project) like this: pdsf4 88% prjquota star ------ Space (GB) ------- ----------- Inode ----------- Project Usage Quota InDoubt Usage Quota InDoubt -------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- star 1011 1536 1 842365 1000000 1075 pdsf4 89% So STAR has a quota of 1.5TB now.
Alternatives to scp
STAR users have access to /project/projectdirs/star and this area is visible from all NERSC systems (both carver and PDSF and the data transfer nodes). Best way to transfer data from BNL to the project area would be through the data transfer nodes: but there are lots of options.
From Matt - how to add cron tab job
Here are some commands for inserting things into cron. There is a directory called /etc/cron.daily which where you can put scripts that will run once per day. For instance, you can put a controller script in that directory that runs with the right arguments. Make sure to make it executable. You can control when the script will run by editing the line in /etc/crontab that says "run-parts /etc/cron.daily". I didn't look in any of your machines, but the ones I have are setup to run at 4:02 every morning. Controlling this behavior is as easy as moving the script in and out of the /etc/cron.daily directory.
Transport of DB-snapshot file from RCF to carver
Hi Jan, In my home directory on carver, there is a script called This script is what needs to be run. Right now it runs on cvrsvc03. It sleeps for 24 hours, then runs a script called in the same location. Best, Matt
Direct upload of DB snapshot from RCF
assuming you have curl installed, here is a safe one-liner to download snapshots : curl -s --retry 60 --retry-delay 60 --output snapshot.tgz It will automatically retry 503 errors 60 times, waiting 60 seconds between attempts. Should be safe enough to add it to VMs directly.. "-s" means silent => no output at all. You may want to remove this switch while you test..
share data with STAR members
setfacl -m g:rhstar:x /global/scratch/sd/balewski - this is dangerous setfacl -R -m g:rhstar:rX /global/scratch/sd/balewski/2011w
How to start VM with STAR environment
1) copy my setup code from carver.
- Running Interactive Jobs on Carver
You can run an xterm in batch by doing a "qsub -I -q regular ...."
Note that interactive jobs do not have to go to the interactive queue.