GR1 - Task analysis
User analysis
User Classes:
1. Party Goer
2. DJ
3. Music Enthusiasts
1. Stacey is a female college student 18 to 22 years old. She likes to go out to parties with her friends on weekends. She likes dancing to loud music, especially songs by Keisha.
2. John is professional DJ who works weekly gigs at a downtown club. He follows music blogs to keep up with music trends and then downloads music with Amazon MP3.
3. David is a college student majoring in Electrical Engineering. He has never spent any money puchasing music. He listens to a lot of music on youtube but would prefer to have them on his iTunes so that he can listen to his playlists while jogging.
4. Tim is an audiophile. He owns a pair of headphones worth $1000 that provide hi fidelity. Unfortunately he has a rare illness in which his eyes are extra sensitive to light.
Task analysis
1. Listen to music
2. Download music
3. Upload music
4. Vote on music
5. Search for playlist