GR1 - Analysis
User analysis
User 1: Player
- Seeks out games to play in. A player is someone looking for other people to play with at the locations and times feasible for him/her. Players search through currently active games to find the ones that are most promising. They may need to filter results to find the ones that are most relevant.
- Desires relevant games. Players tend to prefer to play with others of nearly equal skill level. Thus, they will select games where the average skill is close to his/her own skill. Players may also prefer to play with buddies that they are already familiar with.
- Identifies with the online profiles of other players. Players create profiles to identify themselves to the community. They may keep tabs on one another to find others that share location, time preferences, and skill level.
User 2: Organizer
- Brings together players to form a game. An organizer will create games that specify time, location, and desired skill levels. The organizer proposes games so that players will join together to ensure a rewarding level of play.
- May edit the parameters of the game to cater to the players. An organizer may need to adjust things to enable more players to join the game.
User 3: Observer
- Wants to watch a competitive game. An observer does not play in the game, but wants to watch a compelling match. While the observer's own skill should not affect the game, the observer may want to witness a certain level of play.
- Wants to watch friends play. Observers may have personal connections with players who are in the games. They may prefer to watch people they know to cheer them on, or perhaps deride them.
Task analysis
Task 1: Registration
Goal: Register on the website
- Subtask: Navigate to Registration page
- Subtask: Fill in basic personal information
- Precondition: Registration page has loaded
- Precondition: Have a valid email address
- Subtask: Fill in information for public profile
- Subtask: Submit registration
- Precondition: Filled out required fields for personal information and public profile
Task 2: Create Game
Goal: Suggest a game for others to join and play
- Subtask: Navigate to “Create Game” page
- Precondition: Logged in
- Subtask: Enter game information
- Precondition: Have in mind the information needed to create a game (location, time, etc)
- Subtask: Submit game
- Precondition: Filled out necessary details needed to create the game
Task 3: Join Game
Goal: Join a game of interest
- Subtask: Browse and decide on a game to join
- Precondition: Logged in
- Subtask: Click Join button for the game
- Precondition: Logged in
Task 4: Leave Game
Goal: Leave a game because of other commitments or because the game is no longer of interest
- Subtask: Decide on a game to leave
- Subtask: Click on leave game button
- Precondition: Logged in
- Precondition: Previously joined the game
Task 5: Edit Game
Goal: Change the details for a game
- Subtask: Navigate to game page
- Subtask: Navigate to edit game page
- Precondition: Logged in and is organizer for the game
- Subtask: Change game details
- Precondition: Have new game details in mind
- Subtask: Submit changes
Task 6: Edit Public Profile
Goal: Change information on public profile
- Subtask: Navigate to edit profile page
- Precondition: Logged in
- Subtask: Fill in updated information
- Subtask: Submit changes
Task 7: Add Buddies
Goal: Add buddies to buddy list
- Subtask: Navigate to buddy’s profile
- Precondition: Logged in
- Subtask: Click Add Buddy button
Task 8: Remove Buddies
Goal: Remove buddies to buddy list
- Subtask: Navigate to own buddy list
- Precondition: Logged in
- Subtask: Click Remove Buddy button
- Precondition: Know which buddy to remove
Task 9: Search/Filter for Game
Goal: Find a specific game easily
- Subtask: Search for game (optional)
- Precondition: Know some information about the game, eg. name, location, etc
- Subtask: Filer results
- Precondition: Desire a specific type of results, eg. games happening during a specific time
Domain analysis