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<h1>Welcome to praxis@MIT Sloan</h1>
praxis@MIT Sloan is a webspace dedicated to helping MIT Sloan students hone their own personal practice of management. Start here to learn about tools, frameworks, and skills that enable effective action. praxis@MIT Sloan fits into a uniquely MIT Sloan approach to connecting learning with practice that we label Practicing Management.
Explore this evolving site to learn more – and keep checking back; much more to come!
<a href=""><p align=right><strong>Spotlight:</strong> Preterm introduces incoming MBA students to our leadership landscape and praxis learning opportunities. Click through for slide deck.</p></a>
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<td><div class="story">
<h3><a href="">What is praxis@MIT Sloan?</a></h3>
what it is, what it means, prepare-act-reflect model
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<td><div class="story">
<h3><a href="">Who we are: The praxis@MIT Sloan team</a></h3>
people, current developments, history, join us!
</div> </td>
<td><div class="story">
<h3><a href="">How to learn more: praxis@MIT Sloan offerings</a></h3>
courses, seminars, modules, resources
</div> </td>
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<p>Short URL for this site: <a href=""></a></p>
<p> </p>
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praxis at MIT Sloan</div>

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