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The Touchstone WAYF server supports languages other than English, implemented via a PHP array of strings. Languages will be added as we obtain the necessary string translations.

The English section should be referenced and the text from the corresponding English string should be translated to the target language.

// WAYF localized language strings
// Make sure to use entities instead of plain UTF-8 characters for non
// ASCII characters if you are using the Embedded WAYF. It could be that the
// Embedded WAYF is used on non-UTF8 pages, which then could cause encoding issues
// English, default
$langStrings['en']['lang_name'] = 'English';
$langStrings['en']['title'] = 'Account Provider Selection';
$langStrings['en']['header'] = 'Please choose your account provider';
$langStrings['en']['about_aai'] = 'About AAI';
$langStrings['en']['about_switch'] = 'About SWITCH';
$langStrings['en']['faq'] = 'FAQ';
$langStrings['en']['help'] = 'Help';
$langStrings['en']['privacy'] = 'Privacy';
$langStrings['en']['make_selection'] = 'You must select a valid Home Organisation.';
$langStrings['en']['settings'] = 'Permanent account provider for this web browser';
$langStrings['en']['permanent_select_header'] = 'Permanently set your account provider';
$langStrings['en']['permanent_cookie'] = 'You can <strong>permanently</strong> set the account provider for this web browser. Doing so will result in your being redirected automatically to this account provider when you access protected resources.  <strong>Do not save this setting if you use multiple account providers</strong>.';
$langStrings['en']['permanent_cookie_notice'] = 'Your account provider is currently set to:';
$langStrings['en']['permanent_cookie_note'] = 'You can reset the permanent setting by going to: https://'.$_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'].$_SERVER['PHP_SELF'];
$langStrings['en']['delete_permanent_cookie_button'] = 'Reset';
$langStrings['en']['goto_sp'] = 'Save and continue';
$langStrings['en']['permanently_remember_selection'] = 'Remember selection permanently, skip this page from now on.';
$langStrings['en']['confirm_permanent_selection'] = 'Are you sure that you want to set the selected entry as your permanent account provider?  Do not do this if you use multiple account providers.';
$langStrings['en']['save_button'] = 'Save';
$langStrings['en']['access_target'] = 'In order to access the Resource <tt>\'<a href="%s">%s</a>\'</tt> you must authenticate yourself.';
$langStrings['en']['access_host'] = 'In order to access a Resource on host <tt>\'%s\'</tt> you must authenticate yourself.';
$langStrings['en']['select_idp'] = 'Select the Home Organisation you are affiliated with';
$langStrings['en']['remember_selection'] = 'Remember selection for this session.';
$langStrings['en']['switch_description'] = 'The <a href="" target="_blank">SWITCH</a> Foundation operates the Swiss Education &amp; Research Network which guarantees high-speed connectivity to the Internet and to science networks globally for the benefit of higher education in Switzerland.';
$langStrings['en']['invalid_user_idp'] = 'There may be an error in the data you just submitted.<br>The value of your input <tt>\'%s\'</tt> is invalid.<br>Only the following values are allowed:';
$langStrings['en']['contact_assistance'] = 'Please contact <a href=""></a> for assistance.';
$langStrings['en']['no_arguments'] = 'No arguments received!';
$langStrings['en']['arguments_missing'] = 'The web server received an invalid query because there are some arguments missing<br>The following arguments were received:';
$langStrings['en']['valid_request_description'] = 'A valid request needs at least the arguments <tt>shire</tt> and <tt>target</tt> with valid values. Optionally the arguments <tt>providerID</tt>, <tt>origin</tt> and <tt>redirect</tt> can be supplied to automtically redirect the web browser to a Home Organisation and to do that automatically for the current web browser session';
$langStrings['en']['valid_saml2_request_description'] = 'A valid SAML2 request needs at least the arguments <tt>entityID</tt> and <tt>return</tt> with valid values. Optionally the arguments <tt>isPassive</tt>, <tt>policy</tt> and <tt>returnIDParam</tt> can be supplied to automtically redirect the web browser to a Home Organisation and to do that automatically for the current web browser session';
$langStrings['en']['invalid_query'] = 'Error: Invalid Query';
$langStrings['en']['select_button'] = 'Select';
$langStrings['en']['continue_button'] = 'Continue';
$langStrings['en']['login'] = 'Login';
$langStrings['en']['login_with'] = 'Login with:';
$langStrings['en']['other_federation'] = 'From other federations';
$langStrings['en']['logged_in'] = 'You are already authenticated.';
$langStrings['en']['provider_help'] = 'What is my account provider?';
// Added for iPhone.
$langStrings['en']['iphone_remember_selection'] = 'Remember selection.';
$langStrings['en']['iphone_permanent_cookie'] = 'You can <strong>permanently</strong> set the account provider. <strong>Do not continue if you use multiple account providers</strong>.';
$langStrings['en']['iphone_confirm_permanent_selection'] = 'Do you really want to set the selected entry as your account provider?  Cancel if you use multiple account providers.';
// Deutsch
$langStrings['de']['lang_name'] = 'Deutsch';
$langStrings['de']['title'] = 'Auswahl der Annahme Anbieter';
$langStrings['de']['header'] = 'Annahme Anbieter ausw&auml;hlen';
$langStrings['de']['about_aai'] = '&Uuml;ber AAI';
$langStrings['de']['about_switch'] = '&Uuml;ber SWITCH';
$langStrings['de']['faq'] = 'FAQ';
$langStrings['de']['help'] = 'Hilfe';
$langStrings['de']['privacy'] = 'Datenschutz';
$langStrings['de']['make_selection'] = 'Sie m&uuml;ssen eine g&uuml;ltige Home Organisation ausw&auml;hlen';
$langStrings['de']['settings'] = 'Standard Annahme Anbieter f&uuml;r diesen Webbrowser';
$langStrings['de']['permanent_select_header'] = 'Annahme Anbieter speichern';
$langStrings['de']['permanent_cookie'] = 'Sie können auf <strong> Dauer die Annahme Anbieter</strong> f&uuml;r diesen Web-Browser. Damit wird in Ihrem umgeleitet werden automatisch auf dieses Annahme Anbieter, wenn Sie auf geschützte Ressourcen. <strong>Nicht speichern Sie diese Einstellung, wenn Sie mehrere Annahme Anbieter.</strong>';
$langStrings['de']['permanent_cookie_notice'] = 'Ihr Annahme Anbieter ist, derzeit auf:';
$langStrings['de']['permanent_cookie_note'] = 'Sie können die Annahme Anbieter Einstellung zurücksetzen auf der Seite: https://'.$_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'].$_SERVER['PHP_SELF'];
$langStrings['de']['delete_permanent_cookie_button'] = 'Zur&uuml;cksetzen';
$langStrings['de']['goto_sp'] = 'Speichern und weiter zur Annahme Anbieter';
$langStrings['de']['permanently_remember_selection'] = 'Auswahl permanent speichern und diesen Schritt von jetzt an umgehen.';
$langStrings['de']['confirm_permanent_selection'] = 'Sind Sie sicher, dass Sie die Auswahl als Annahme Anbieter Einstellung speichern wollen? Dies nicht tun, wenn Sie mehrere Annahme Anbieter.';
$langStrings['de']['save_button'] = 'Speichern';
$langStrings['de']['access_target'] = 'Eine g&uuml;ltige Benutzerauthentifizierung ist n&ouml;tig um auf die Resource <tt>\'<a href="%s">%s</a>\'</tt> zuzugreifen.';
$langStrings['de']['access_host'] = 'Um auf Resourcen auf dem Rechner <tt>\'%s\'</tt> zuzugreifen, ist eine g&uuml;ltige Benutzerauthentifizierung n&ouml;tig.';
$langStrings['de']['select_idp'] = 'W&auml;hlen Sie Ihre Home Organisation';
$langStrings['de']['remember_selection'] = 'Auswahl f&uuml;r die laufende Webbrowser Sitzung speichern.';
$langStrings['de']['switch_description'] = 'Die <a href="" target="_blank">Stiftung SWITCH</a> betreibt neben anderen Dienstleistungen das Schweizer Bildungs- &amp; Forschungsnetzwerk, welches allen h&ouml;heren Ausbildungseinrichtungen Hochgeschwindigkeitsanschl&uuml;sse ans Internet und an andere globale Wissenschaftsnetze zur Verf&uuml;gung stellt.';
$langStrings['de']['invalid_user_idp'] = 'M&ouml;glicherweise sind die &uuml;bermittelten Daten fehlerhaft.<br>Der Wert der Eingabe <tt>\'%s\'</tt> ist ung&uuml;ltig.<br>Es sind ausschliesslich die folgenden Wert erlaubt:';
$langStrings['de']['contact_assistance'] = 'F&uuml;r Unterst&uuml;tzung und Hilfe, kontaktieren Sie bitte <a href=""></a>.';
$langStrings['de']['no_arguments'] = 'Keine Argumente erhalten!';
$langStrings['de']['arguments_missing'] = 'Der Webserver hat eine fehlerhafte Anfrage erhalten da einige Argumente in der Anfrage fehlen.<br>Folgende Argumente wurden empfangen:';
$langStrings['de']['valid_request_description'] = 'Eine g&uuml;ltige Anfrage muss mindestens die Argumente <tt>shire</tt> und <tt>target</tt> enthalten. Zus&auml;tzlich k&ouml;nnen die Argumente <tt>providerID</tt>, <tt>origin</tt> und <tt>redirect</tt> benutzt werden um den Webbrowser automatisch an die Home Organisation weiter zu leiten und um sich die ausgew&auml;hlte Home Organisation f&uuml;r l&auml;ngere Zeit zu merken.';
$langStrings['de']['valid_saml2_request_description'] = 'Eine g&uuml;ltige Anfrage muss mindestens die Argumente <tt>entityID</tt> und <tt>return</tt> enthalten. Zus&auml;tzlich k&ouml;nnen die Argumente <tt>isPassive</tt>, <tt>policy</tt> und <tt>returnIDParam</tt> benutzt werden um den Webbrowser automatisch an die Home Organisation weiter zu leiten und um sich die ausgew&auml;hlte Home Organisation f&uuml;r l&auml;ngere Zeit zu merken.';
$langStrings['de']['invalid_query'] = 'Error: Fehlerhafte Anfrage';
$langStrings['de']['select_button'] = 'Ausw&auml;hlen';
$langStrings['de']['continue_button'] = 'Auswählen';
$langStrings['de']['login'] = 'Anmelden';
$langStrings['de']['login_with'] = 'Anmelden &uuml;ber:';
$langStrings['de']['other_federation'] = 'Von anderen F&ouml;derationen';
$langStrings['de']['logged_in'] = 'Sie sind bereits angemeldet.';
$langStrings['de']['provider_help'] = 'Was ist ein Annahme Anbieter?';
// Added for iPhone.
$langStrings['de']['iphone_remember_selection'] = 'Remember selection.';
$langStrings['de']['iphone_permanent_cookie'] = 'You can <strong>permanently</strong> set the account provider. <strong>Do not continue if you use multiple account providers</strong>.';
$langStrings['de']['iphone_confirm_permanent_selection'] = 'Do you really want to set the selected entry as your account provider?  Cancel if you use multiple account providers.';
// Italian
$langStrings['it']['lang_name'] = 'Italiano';
$langStrings['it']['title'] = 'Selezione della vostra Account Provider';
$langStrings['it']['header'] = 'Selezioni la sua Account Provider';
$langStrings['it']['about_aai'] = 'Informazioni su AAI';
$langStrings['it']['about_switch'] = 'Informazioni su SWITCH';
$langStrings['it']['faq'] = 'FAQ';
$langStrings['it']['help'] = 'Aiuto';
$langStrings['it']['privacy'] = 'Protezione dei dati';
$langStrings['it']['make_selection'] = 'Per favore, scelga una valida Account Provider.';
$langStrings['it']['settings'] = 'Account Provider predefinita per questo Web Browser.';
$langStrings['it']['permanent_select_header'] = 'Salvare la Account Provider.';
$langStrings['it']['permanent_cookie'] = 'È possibile impostare in modo permanente il <strong>Account Provider</strong> per questo browser. Questo sarà il risultato nel vostro essere automaticamente reindirizzati a questo Account Provider quando si accede a risorse protette. <strong>Non salvare questa impostazione se si utilizza più di un Account Provider</strong>.';
$langStrings['it']['permanent_cookie_notice'] = 'Il tuo Account Provider è attualmente fissato a:';
$langStrings['it']['permanent_cookie_note'] = 'Pu&ograve; cambiare la sua impostazione predefinita sulla pagina: https://'.$_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'].$_SERVER['PHP_SELF'];
$langStrings['it']['delete_permanent_cookie_button'] = 'Cancella';
$langStrings['it']['goto_sp'] = 'Salvare e proseguire verso la Account Provider';
$langStrings['it']['permanently_remember_selection'] = 'Salvare la scelta permanentemente e non passare più per la pagina.';
$langStrings['it']['confirm_permanent_selection'] = 'E\' sicuro di voler impostare la Home Horganization selezionata come sua Home Horganization predefinita? Non &egrave; da impostare se usa regolarmente diversi account AAI.';
$langStrings['it']['save_button'] = 'Salva';
$langStrings['it']['access_target'] = '&Egrave; necessario autenticarsi per poter accedere alla risorsa <tt>\'<a href="%s">%s</a>\'<tt>.';
$langStrings['it']['access_host'] = '&Egrave; necessario autenticarsi per poter accedere alla risorsa sull\' host <tt>\'%s\'</tt>.';
$langStrings['it']['select_idp'] = 'Selezioni la Home Organisation con la quale &egrave; affiliato.';
$langStrings['it']['remember_selection'] = 'Ricorda la selezione per questa sessione.';
$langStrings['it']['switch_description'] = 'La fondazione <a href="" target="_blank">SWITCH</a> opera all\'interno della rete per l\'insegnamento e la ricerca Svizzera. Essa garantisce un collegamento ad alta velocit&agrave; verso Internet e verso le reti scientifiche mondiali a beneficio dell\'educazione superiore in Svizzera.';
$langStrings['it']['invalid_user_idp'] = 'Errore nei parametri pervenuti.<br>Il valore del parametro <tt>\'%s\'</tt> non &#143; valido.<br>Solo i seguenti valori sono ammessi:';
$langStrings['it']['contact_assistance'] = 'Se l\' errore persiste, si prega di contattare <a href=""></a>.';
$langStrings['it']['no_arguments'] = 'Parametri non pervenuti!';
$langStrings['it']['arguments_missing'] = 'La richiesta non &egrave; valida per la mancanza di alcuni parametri. <br>I seguenti parametri sono stati ricevuti:';
$langStrings['it']['valid_request_description'] = 'Una richiesta valida &egrave; deve contenere almeno i parametri <tt>shire</tt> e <tt>target</tt>. I parametri opzionali <tt>providerID</tt>, <tt>origin</tt> e <tt>redirect</tt> possono essere utilizzati per ridirigere automaticamente il browser web verso una Home Organisation.';
$langStrings['it']['valid_saml2_request_description'] = 'Una richiesta valida &egrave; deve contenere almeno i parametri <tt>entityID</tt> e <tt>return</tt>. I parametri opzionali <tt>isPassive</tt>, <tt>policy</tt> e <tt>returnIDParam</tt> possono essere utilizzati per ridirigere automaticamente il browser web verso una Home Organisation.';
$langStrings['it']['invalid_query'] = 'Errore: Richiesta non Valida';
$langStrings['it']['select_button'] = 'Seleziona';
$langStrings['it']['continue_button'] = 'Seleziona';
$langStrings['it']['login'] = 'Login';
$langStrings['it']['login_with'] = 'Login con:';
$langStrings['it']['other_federation'] = 'Di altra federaziones';
$langStrings['it']['logged_in'] = 'Lei &egrave; gi&agrave; autenticato.';
$langStrings['it']['provider_help'] = 'Qual è il mio Account Provider?';
// Added for iPhone.
$langStrings['it']['iphone_remember_selection'] = 'Remember selection.';
$langStrings['it']['iphone_permanent_cookie'] = 'You can <strong>permanently</strong> set the account provider. <strong>Do not continue if you use multiple account providers</strong>.';
$langStrings['it']['iphone_confirm_permanent_selection'] = 'Do you really want to set the selected entry as your account provider?  Cancel if you use multiple account providers.';
$langStrings['zh']['lang_name'] = '中文';
$langStrings['zh']['title'] = '账号提供者选项';
$langStrings['zh']['header'] = '请选择你的账号提供者';
$langStrings['zh']['about_aai'] = '关于 AAI';
$langStrings['zh']['about_switch'] = '关于 SWITCH';
$langStrings['zh']['faq'] = '常见问题';
$langStrings['zh']['help'] = '帮助';
$langStrings['zh']['privacy'] = '隐私权';
$langStrings['zh']['make_selection'] = '你必须选择一个机构.';
$langStrings['zh']['settings'] = '这个浏览器设定的永久账号提供者';
$langStrings['zh']['permanent_select_header'] = '永久设定你的账号提供者';
$langStrings['zh']['permanent_cookie'] = '你可以在这个浏览器里永久设定你的账号提供者。 将来你访问被保护资源的时候会被自动转到这个账号提供者。 如果你使用多个账号提供者, 请不要保存这个选项';
$langStrings['zh']['permanent_cookie_notice'] = '你的账号提供者现设为:';
$langStrings['zh']['permanent_cookie_note'] = '如需重新设定请使用: https://'.$_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'].$_SERVER['PHP_SELF'];
$langStrings['zh']['delete_permanent_cookie_button'] = '重设';
$langStrings['zh']['goto_sp'] = '保存并使用你的账号提供者';
$langStrings['zh']['permanently_remember_selection'] = '永久记住选项,今后跳过此页';
$langStrings['zh']['confirm_permanent_selection'] = '确定要设定这个选项作为你的永久账号提供者吗? 如果你使用多个账号提供者, 请不要这么做。';
$langStrings['zh']['save_button'] = '保存';
$langStrings['zh']['access_target'] = '如果你要访问这个资源<tt>\'<a href="%s" >%s</a>\'</tt> 必须认证身份.';
$langStrings['zh']['access_host'] = '如果要访问<tt>\'%s\'</tt>机器上的资源,你必须认证身份';
$langStrings['zh']['select_idp'] = '请选择你的所属机构';
$langStrings['zh']['remember_selection'] = '记住本次会话的选项';
$langStrings['zh']['switch_description'] = 'The <a href="" target="_blank">SWITCH</a> Foundation operates the Swiss Education &amp; Research Network which guarantees high-speed connectivity to the Internet and to science networks globally for the benefit of higher education in Switzerland.';
$langStrings['zh']['invalid_user_idp'] = '你刚刚提供的数据可能有错误.<br>你输入的数据 <tt>\'%s\'</tt> 不被允许.<br>只有下列数据是被允许的:';
$langStrings['zh']['contact_assistance'] = '如需帮助请联系 <a href="" ></a>.';
$langStrings['zh']['no_arguments'] = '未提供参数\!';
$langStrings['zh']['arguments_missing'] = '服务器接受到了一个错误查询因为某些参数没有被提供<br>下列是接受到的参数:';
$langStrings['zh']['valid_request_description'] = '正确的要求至少需要提供参数 <tt>shire</tt>&nbsp;和 <tt>target</tt> with valid values.&nbsp;另外可以提供可选参数 <tt>providerID</tt>, <tt>origin</tt>&nbsp;和<tt>redirect</tt> 使浏览器在本次session里自动转到所属机构';
$langStrings['zh']['valid_saml2_request_description'] = '正确的SAML2&nbsp;要求至少需要提供&nbsp;<tt>entityID</tt> 和 <tt>return</tt> 参数.&nbsp;还可以提供可选参数 <tt>isPassive</tt>, <tt>policy</tt> and<tt>returnIDParam</tt> 用以使浏览器在本次会话里自动转到所属机构';
$langStrings['zh']['invalid_query'] = '错误: 错误要求';
$langStrings['zh']['select_button'] = '选择';
$langStrings['zh']['continue_button'] = '继续';
$langStrings['zh']['login'] = '登陆';
$langStrings['zh']['login_with'] = '登陆方式';
$langStrings['zh']['other_federation'] = 'From other\\\' federations';
$langStrings['zh']['logged_in'] = '你已经认证身份';
$langStrings['zh']['provider_help'] = '什么是你的账号提供者?';
// Added for iPhone.
$langStrings['zh']['iphone_remember_selection'] = 'Remember selection.';
$langStrings['zh']['iphone_permanent_cookie'] = 'You can <strong>permanently</strong> set the account provider. <strong>Do not continue if you use multiple account providers</strong>.';
$langStrings['zh']['iphone_confirm_permanent_selection'] = '你确定要把选定项目设定为你的账号提供者吗? 如果你使用多个账号提供者, 请取消.';
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