The CONFIGURE form is where the Gradebook properties are setup. Options include using grade weighting to track and calculate student scores, and whether to display Weighted Scores, Actual Grades, Original/ Makeup Grades and Cumulative Scores to students.
Note: "Display actual grades to students", "Display original/ makeup grades to students" and "Display cumulative scores to students" options are checked (Yes) by default.
When DISPLAY CUMULATIVE SCORE TO STUDENTS is selected, an additional row is added to the bottom of the grade summary page. Checking DISPLAY GRADES TO STUDENTS or DISPLAY HISTOGRAMS TO STUDENTS will add an additional column.
The TA OPTIONS allows instructors to determine the level of permission TAs wield.
APPROVAL RIGHTS AND HISTOGRAMS-"Approval rights are not required to edit (unapprove) approved grades" configuration option. When enabled, this checkbox will allow graders to edit/unapprove previously approved grades for assignments which they are allowed to see. "Allow students to view histograms" configuration option-allows students to see a histogram of grades for an assignment.
After you have selected Gradebook options, you can preview an example of how the Gradebook will appear to Students. Select the See Sample Student Grade Report link to preview the Student Grade Report.