Monograph Cataloging Documentation
Ordered and received by MonoAcq
Orders originating from divisional libraries and processed by MonoAcq are sent out to CAMS with barcode attached, and an arrival slip if cataloging instructions or special handling are needed.
MonoAcq receives material from the vendor, Yankee Book Peddler.
• Approval books must first be reviewed by divisional library selectors before final receipt by MonoAcq, who then treats all material as those from orders.
• MonoAcq now receives from YBP some titles that are published under a number of monographic series (formerly treated as SERMs, ***). These too are handled by MonoAcq the same as ordered material.
Accumulating on book trucks, all material first goes to be sorted for FastCat; what is not FastCated is then placed on the Wall or designated areas.