Monograph Cataloging Documentation
Donahue Shipment Preparation
Truncated Steps:
Step 1. Search for item in ALEPH (Search tab)
Step 2. Brief record (Cataloging tab)
Step 3. Item record (Items tab)
Step 4. Confirmation (Search tab)
Detailed Instructions:
STEP 1. Search for item in ALEPH
If the item in hand has a barcode:
- Insert cursor in Barcode field
- Wand barcode on item
- If an item record pops up, click the Edit BIB Record icon to push the record to the Records tab
- If a dialog box indicates “Item does not exist!” search the item by title
If the item does not have a barcode -or- the barcode does not bring up an item record:
- Search the item by title in the Search tab
- Use the “Find” function
- OR the “Browse” function
- If your search locates the appropriate record, highlight the title and click the Catalog button to push the record to the Records tab
- If your search does not locate the appropriate record, you must create a new brief record.
STEP 2. Brief Record
If a brief record does exist:
- Push the record to the Records tab using either the Edit BIB Record -or- Catalog button, as instructed in STEP 1.
- In the Records tab, check match points to confirm that the record conforms to the item in hand
- Pay special attention to the 245 (title) field and the 949 (barcode) field – it is essential that both are present and accurate. Other fields may also help to confirm the relevance of a record, such as the 260 (publisher), 300 (physical description), 4XX (series) and 5XX (notes) fields.
- If the item in hand matches the existing bibliographic record, move to STEP 3.
- If the item does not match the bibliographic record, you must create a new brief record.
To create a new brief record:
- Click on the Open Template button
- Select Brief from the list
- Click Open
- Complete the 245 (title) field with the title established on the item in hand’s title page.
- Note that the Indicators of the 245 field should be “10” – the “1” indicates that the title is an added entry, the “0” indicates that there are no non-filing characters. If the title begins with the word “the,” the second indicator should be “4” – if the title begins with the word “a,” the second indicator should be “2.”
- Also note that the title is split between subfields “a” and “b” – subfield “a” is used for the main title, and subfield “b” is used for the subtitle.
- After completing the 245 field, create a new field by pressing the F6 key on your keyboard
- Enter 949 in the blank field – leave both indicators blank, and change the subfield to “p” for “barcode”
- Wand the barcode into the 949 field
- Click the Save on Server and Local Drive button to save the new brief record
- A dialog box may pop up alerting you to errors relating to the 260 and 245 fields – you should override the following two record check warnings:
- If any additional warnings other than those above are listed, check with a supervisor to ensure that your brief record is acceptable.
STEP 3. Item Record
- After confirming or completing the brief record, click on the Search tab to search for the item in hand using your established title (note that at times there is a delay in ALEPH, so it may take a few minutes before the record is accessible through the Search tab)
- Upon searching, highlight the appropriate title and click the Show button
- From the Show screen, click the Items button to push the record to the Items tab
- In the Items tab, click the New button
- Insert the cursor into the Barcode field and wand the barcode on the item in hand
- Input the Sublibrary code according to stamp on item in hand (AER, ENG, DEW, HUM, LIN, LSA, RTC, SCI
- Change the Collection to OFFCT
- Change the Call No. Type/Call No. to CATYYMM (example: for July 2008, input CAT0807)
- Input the Item Status according to the item in hand (AER, ENG, DEW, HUM, LIN, RTC, SCI = 01 ; LSA = 15)
- Input the Item Process Status as IP
- Double-check to ensure that the Material Type indicates Book
- After you have completed all fields in the Items tab, click the Update button to save the changes to the Item record
STEP 4. Confirmation
After completing Steps 1-3, you may confirm that the item in hand was added to the CATYYMM list:
- Select the Browse function in the Search tab, heading list: Call number/subject
- Type CATYYMM (ex. CAT0807) in the Browse field and hit ENTER
- The resulting list will indicate the number of items entered into the CATYYMM shipment for the indicated month
- Note: The initial list will only list the number of items up to 50 – any number above 50 will be listed as 50+. To see the total number if it rises above 50 items, highlight the appropriate CATYYMM and click Show to see the full list of items.