April 2, 2010
Present Ann, Kate, Peter, Ranjani, Molly, Kris (remotely)
1.) Discuss Ranjani and Kate's layout
Discussion about whether Video Conferencing and Distance Education _should_ have buttons.
Record, Edit, Share, Watch. (add edit)
"When I click on 'share' it takes me to the 'deliver' point. " Confusion about the words. Could it be "share",
"deliver", etc. Kris says to elucidate briefly what the word means.
Usability tests will helps us with this, too. Good to do this earlier rather than later. There is a group in IS&T and also a group in the LIbraries. Should try to schedule either in advance. (Neither of these services charge us)
"Jump to" will go to a drop down list. (Tech TV, AV Services, AMPS, etc.) More specific like: "edit a file", "rent equipment", who to schedule a room for a shoot", in TechTv, people ask 'how to edit', 'how do you capture', 'what are compression settings'.
Link to generalized standards document and then for specific hosts shoot them to a specific page.
2.) Copyright issues
Kris: there are some resources online about this, my blog entry. We need to link to resources. Explain what TechTv does for screening.
3.) Javascript randomizer
If you go to AMPS page,its randomized by refresh of the page. Can be randomizes between anything, it can be TechTv, the videos can come from AMPS video server, DVD, anywhere. Very cool!
4.) Prepare for usability testing. Basic html. For the test, how much content needs to be written and required. Kate: for usability, build the first one, and then build a complete path.
5.) Where do we host this?
6.) Kate is here for April, but May is extremely busy.
7.) We agreed that we don't want it to be hosted at IS&T. If we want it to look like Teaching with Technology. We are thinking about