Agenda for the meeting
Heather had communicated she had a prior commitment and was unable to attend.
Action Items:
Status of various builds on top of base- Brian and Jon
Student build based on base is proceeding. One learning is that it takes a lot of time to install everything 4-8 hours minimum, so we need to decide how we are going to rev versions for semester (or other periodic basis) updates. Probably makes sense to make the same changes as are made to the base for several revisions and then on a longer term reset with a new base.
SWRT agreed to document step by step all changes made to the base so they could be replicated on the subsequent VM builds.
Admin staff build - Brian apologized for not being farther along. He has finally freed up some time to work on this and other projects. Brian has spoken with Mike from ITSS and under the covers, security for Win7 has not changed significantly from XP, so we can use the same security policy as created for the Dell image.