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<h1>Welcome to praxis@MIT Sloan</h1>
We've called this webspace praxis@MIT Sloan because it's dedicated to helping MIT Sloan students hone their own personal practices of management by turning theory into action. We labeled this approach Practicing Management to recognize the value of testing and practicing useful tools, frameworks, and skills
<a href=""><p align=right><strong>Spotlight:</strong> Preterm introduces our incoming MBA students to the leadership landscape at MIT. Click through for slide deck.</p></a>
<img src= alt="Kendall T">
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<td><div class="story">
<h3><a href="">What is praxis@MIT Sloan?</a></h3>
main idea, what it means, prepare-act-reflect model
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<td><div class="story">
<h3><a href="">Who we are: The praxis@MIT Sloan team</a></h3>
people, current developments, history, join us!
</div> </td>
<td><div class="story">
<h3><a href="">How to learn more: praxis@MIT Sloan offerings</a></h3>
courses, seminars, modules, resources
</div> </td>
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<p>Short URL for this site: <a href=""></a></p>
<p> </p>
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praxis at MIT Sloan</div>

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