This list of news stories related to government interest in or use of technology was culled from a variety of sources, including the NY Times, PC World, Technology Review, InfoWorld, and Wired. Please add more, or leave comments on how important you think they are in the Sandbox!
STATUS: For the purposes of ranking news items, these stoires have been added to the Miscellanea -- Stories, Examples, Food for Thought page.
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Mobile Army Requires Solar Soldiers
The U.S. Army is turning to new solar-powered materials and sensors to solve the problem of too-little energy for its high-tech soldiers. By John Gartner
NSA Could Track Internet Users
The National Security Agency has obtained a patent on a way of finding an Internet user's geographic location.
Wireless Wiretapping
The U.S. government wants the ability to listen in on wireless conversations. Critics claim the move could actually make Internet-based communications more vulnerable to attacks. By Trey Popp