This section will answer many if not all of the following questions:
who - who is being filmed.
what - what is your end goal? (ie video online,web video, classroom capture, research video, PR, news, podcasts, archival version)
where - location
when - shoot date
how -
why -
Kris and Ranjani task:
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Planning Video:
- have examples showing what each is – identify and link to examples such as on TechTV or from the video project that Kate, Steve and Oliver did.
- Can’t find what you’re looking for here? Go to… (ex. video conf – see AMPS, etc.)
* Outsource Planners - Do you have service support already (local resources, e.g. EECS in house resources. suggested resources, caveat to cover)
*Self Planners – Are you capturing audio, video or both?
1. Who/what are you filming/recording - ex.:
· lecture capture,
· seminar,
· event capture
· showcase video (lab, dept, project, etc.)
· presentation materials (audio, video, images, animations)
· computer generated video
o animation,
o flash,
o screen capture
· Self-Capture video – video blog, etc.
· Streaming video
2. Permissions:
· Secure video release from any speakers/actors – on techtv blog
· Check copyright and obtain license if necessary – link to copyright site – on techtv blog
· Fair Use – clarifying, understanding and informing – on techtv blog
· Granting permissions/copyright – Creative Commons, Public Domain, what do you want to give to others/world – ex. BLOSSOMS
3. Accessibility:
· Understanding audience needs (check with ATIC)
i. Hearing impaired
ii. Sight impaired
iii. Other
· ATIC Guidelines/compliance
· Identify appropriate services based on the above research
i. Getting signers
ii. Teleprompters
iii. others
4. Capture
· *is there a needed lifespan of captured material
i. permanent (archival)
1. pros:
a. long lasting
b. highest quality of what was captured
2. cons:
a. cost of capture (usually higher)
b. storage (usually much greater)
c. ongoing tracking & maintenance required
d. planning and creation time usually longer
ii. temporary (1 semester, few days, etc.)
1. pros:
a. cost usually lower
b. planning and creation time usually shorter
2. cons:
a. short life span
b. possible lower quality
· Assess Delivery Needs
i. Live video
1. Streaming webcast
2. Cable/tv/broadcast
ii. On-demand video
1. lecture capture,
2. seminar,
3. event capture
4. showcase video (lab, dept, project, etc.)
5. presentation materials (audio, video, images, animations)
6. computer generated video
a. animation,
b. flash,
c. screen capture
7. Self-Capture video – video blog, etc.
8. Streaming/Progressive Download video
iii. Delivery Method
1. Web service
a. Techtv
b. Ocw
c. Mitworld
d. Youtube
e. Kaltura
f. Other
2. Media
a. CD
b. DVD
c. Blu-Ray
d. Flash Drive
e. Hard Drive
f. Tape (many types)
3. Broadcast
a. Tv
b. Cable
c. Satellite
d. Fiber
e. Media Hit
· Capture Method – don’t assume audio is included with your camera, there are always better ways to capture it.
i. Video
1. Single camera
a. SD
i. DIY
ii. Pro Service
b. HD
i. DIY
ii. Pro Service
2. Multi Camera
a. SD
i. DIY
ii. Pro Service
b. HD
i. DIY
ii. Pro Service
3. Web/computer camera
4. Screen capture
5. Other Service (OpenEya, etc.)
ii. Audio – DIY or Pro Service for all
1. Mics
a. In-camera mic (background, scene noise)
b. Lavaliere mic (interview, speaker, lecture)
c. Shotgun mic (directional sounds)
d. Stereo mic (good for music performances)
e. Handheld (interview, speakers, lectures)
2. Additional audio recording equipment
a. Mixer
b. Cables
c. Sound booth*
d. Sound insulation materials*
iii. Lighting – be aware of white balance on camera
1. Hot light kit
2. Spotlights
a. On camera
b. Stand alone
3. Available light
a. Sunlight
i. w/ bounce
ii. direct
iii. in shade
b. room lighting
iv. Test recording
a. Recording check
i. Sound check
ii. Video recording check
iii. Lighting and color balance
b. Review for Quality Control
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