Sasha, February 5, 2010
RHIC CNI group is pleased to inform you that RHIC Run 2009 data analysis
for fill-by-fill polarizations is completed. Polarization data along
with some supporting material can be obtained from CNI web page
Pol2009_500gev_blue.dat - Blue sqrt(s)=500 GeV
Pol2009_500gev_yell.dat - Yellow sqrt(s)=500 GeV
Pol2009_200gev_blue.dat - Blue sqrt(s)=200 GeV
Pol2009_200gev_yell.dat - Yellow sqrt(s)=200 GeV
Data files include fill number, polarization, absolute statistical and
systematic uncertainties (assuming not correlated from fill-to-fill).
Global uncertainties, deltaP/P, (assuming correlated for all fills) are
Blue-500gev: 8.3%
Yell-500gev: 12.1%
Blue-200gev: 4.7%
Yell-200gev: 4.7%
And for a product of two beam polarizations, delta(P_B*P_Y)/(P_B*P_Y):
500gev: 18.5%
200gev: 8.8%
A short description of the analysis method and systematic error
explanation are in NOTE_2009_Polarizations_RHIC.txt.
The detailed description of the analysis is in