Patricia Sheppard and Barbara Goguen's emails dated 1/18/2010:
SUBJECT: CSS Q2 Report Draft
Great feedback. I can work on the Q3 goal edits. As for metrics, I believe Rob did the first cut on his own and he should follow up with Jozsef as to what these numbers really mean. If we can get consensus by the end of the week, that would be perfect.
On 1/18/10 5:34 PM, "Barbara J Goguen" <> wrote:
Hi, folks. I am finally getting around to reading through this draft thoroughly. In general, I think it looks great! Thanks for all the editing and analysis that I know had to go into it to get it consolidated by service, brief enough to digest, and understandable to readers from outside CSS.
I have just a few questions:
In the Goals for Next Quarter section, there is a a bullet about responding to IT@MIT Task Force recommendations to centralize and standardize purchasing of computer hardware. I believe this was part of Chris’ submission and I believe it relates to our pulling together material in a format developed at Sr. Staff to assist all of Sr. Staff to formulate an overall response to the task force recommendations. This should either be broadened to include the 3 task force recommendations that CSS is working on collecting data for, or should be removed.
And I want to explore a couple of the SD metrics, such as agent availability which dropped dramatically and calls offered per day, which also looks low. Shall I assume that Rob reviewed these already with Jozsef?
On 1/12/10 2:25 PM, "Patricia Sheppard" <pshepp@MIT.EDU> wrote:
Hi all,
As discussed in our meeting earlier today, we have some time to review and revise our Q2 report before submitting to Marilyn’s office. Attached is the first draft from which to work from. The narrative has been heavily edited to accommodate space restrictions, and the teams have been pulled out and accomplishments listed by service. Also, new metrics are being piloted, and we will need to do some editing in either the analysis or particular metrics we report as well to reduce it to two pages.
Ideally, we would like to have your feedback by this Friday (Monday at the latest). Please note what you think is missing in your feedback to Elaine, Rob and I - we want to make sure we are representing all the great work that is happening across CSS and IS&T. Thanks so much!
Patricia Sheppard
Business Manager
Client Support Services
Infrastructure Software Development and Architecture
MIT Information Services & Technology