Attending: Ann (minutes), Molly, Elaine,Kris, Ranjani, Peter, Kate
1.) Go over Video at MIT Today site.
a.) What is useful to us?
A lot of the information in this wiki will provide us with information for the portal we are to build.
Kate - challenge in creating a portal - who is the audience? Each audience requires different kinds of information.
We won't be able to address every case.
The use cases that are on the site are helpful in thinking about the portal.
One customer - the service providers themselves.
b.) Discern between what groups before us have done, and what our group is tasked to do. (ie define our scope).
2.) Hear update from Kris & Elaine on guidelines & standards.
3.) Ranjani's charts on portal users and video production process.
4.) Brainstorm first draft outline of the portal structure.