Next meeting we're inviting Christine and Nicole H. Ann W. can't make it.
Does it make sense to have them visit separately or together?
It may be helpful to have them together so Nicole can see how RISG fits into circulation and service desks. Both groups will do assessment
Nicole's group oversees space programming; Christine's group
Have Nicole & Christine together from 9-10, on November 18th.
Ann will come in sometime after that. Tentatively on December 2nd.
Views/perspective on service points/desks
This information may help the heads of the green circles to understand how things are working now and to pass this information on to the steering committee.
Preserve and protect easy connectivity between the user and the subject expertise.
Broad theme: each service location is unique and one service model probably does not fit all.
Dewey - on call reference 11-5 weekdays. walkie talkies, can be called from anywhere. 1-2 calls per hour, pretty in depth, with great variability. recorded as time spent for complex reference (on call, scheduled research consultations, and walk in)
Service desk staff is highly trained to provide accurate responses and appropriate referrals. Anita attends all service desk staff meetings. Lots of daily communication. Research consultation happen frequently and require lots of preparation. Seem to be increasing. Most questions are Dewey specific, most aren't referred to other libraries.
Rotch - Once school year is underway, we are on call from 10-1, frequently we'll spend the hour at the desk anyway. Otherwise phone is forwarded to offices. Frequently there are Limited Access requests. Fewer questions at the desk, but at the level that any trained staff member could answer. Occasionally there becomes a line of people, and the on call person is asked to come to the desk. Rotch-specific or general questions. circ supervisor/ref coord monthly training.
Barker - On call reference from 10-2 Librarians staff desk from 2-5. In frequently called during on call hours. Ref and circ both handle circulation duties on desk. On call traffic is minimal. In the afternoon the traffic may not be overwhelming; questions could be handled by desk staff. Mentor/mentee training model. Librarians don't attend circ meetings. Communication happens by email, all ESL meetings, mentor/mentee.
Hayden - Always circ person at the desk, then Hum or Sci person. Assumption that librarians don't have to know about circ issues/hand off to circ person. Between 11-5 Human/Science librarians and support staff, staff one side of desk. No official scheduled on call. IM is used as an on call method to call someone from hum or sci. Very few reference questions are asked at desk. Mostly reserves and circulation. Ask-Us phone line rings to Hayden as well.
Some special training sessions.
How important is it to us that librarians be involved in the desk
May not make economic sense
Like the contact.
push the subject specialists/research guides
connection with users
opportunity to show users things that they couldn't if we were busy
informal communication between circ and reference
librarians on the desk reminds users of things they wanted to talk to us about/ask
Keep track of how many times we are contacted while on call?
other reference studies group to follow up on this
professional and support staff relationships.
It seems like now things are pretty integrated, but the new model seems to be separated more clearly.
Trust and knowledge between the groups that could be lost. Also communication
People say they want to be on desk, but not doing circ duties. Also problems with understanding circ process when not at desk frequently
Person at the desk needs to know how to do desk duties. If circ staff is on the desk, need to deliver basic level reference service. reference librarians still responsible to develop and manage training
If people are staying as reference coordinators, then they should be invited to meetings of Christine's group
still need representation of reference side on circ/christine's group
Scheduling is tricky. It may be hard to create and maintain viable communication methods and cohesiveness among the group (e.g. people coming in at 6 pm)
No single model; units are unique
Still important to have librarian involved with desk work, though the data doesn't back it up (enumerate those)
Librarians still really valuable in the training piece