The Climate Collaboratorium is a Web-based forum that runs using a combination of open source tools and custom built software.
The initial version of the Collaboratorium runs on a Flash application written by the project's chief software architect, Joshua Introne. Several undergraduate summer interns helped to develop the sub-system that runs the models: Patrick Yamane of MIT and Sheldon Chang of Stanford.
A new software platform, based on Liferay an open source social collaboration portal, will be launched in November 2009.
Introne has overseen development of the Liferay platform, and he also wrote the code for many of the modules and was responsible for overall integration of the system. Rahul Bhattacharya assisted Introne in this effort.
A number of the modules of the Liferay platform were developed by TopCoder, a firm which uses a crowdsourced, competition-based model for software development.
Once the Liferay platform is completed, the Collaboratorium development team plans to post it on the Web and invite open source developers to contribute. If you are interested in getting involved, please contact Josh Introne
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