The launch version of the Collaboratorium includes simulation models in five primary areas. For some of these areas, results from several models are available.
- Climate model: C-LEARN
Impact of regional emission and land use targets on global emissions, atmospheric concentrations of CO2, and increases in global mean temperature or GMT
- Sea level rise: Ramstorf
Impact of increases in GMT on sea level
- Economic costs of climate change damages: DICE and PAGE2002
Economic costs of climate change damages associated with increases in GMT
- Physical impacts of climate change: Tyndall Center
Impacts of increases in GMT on Water, Food, Health, Land, Environment, and Abrupt and Large Scale Impacts
- Economic costs of climate change mitigation: IGSM, MERGE, and MiniCAM
Based on response surfaces generated from model runs done to simulate stablization scenarios in the U.S. Climate Change Science Program (CCSP) study
For more detailed descriptions of these models, click on the links (links to be added soon!)