Ordered list of goals leading to publication of W (and Z?) STAR data from pp500 STAR data from Run 9
Goal 1 Release the plot with Jacobian peak for Ws with yield on the Y-axis.
- use 'best' 80% of STAR data
- xxxx
List of task, assigned man power, status
- aaa (sent comments / edit it)
- bbb
- ccc
Goal 2 PRL paper #1
Title: First Observation of W boson production in polarized proton-proton collisions at sqrt(s)=500 GeV
- data shown: W x-section, A_L(W) combined for W+ & W-
- emphasis on observation of parity violating SSA in a collider
- describe experiment, analysis technique
List of figures:
- Lego-plot with BTOW response from single W event
- M-C to data comparison , 2-4 small panels
- Jacobian peak showing
- AL W+ & W- combined, 1 or 2 bins in ET with overlay of theory curves
- Vet MC/Data
- Background model for what's under the Jacobian peak
- Relative Lumi
- Relative Lumi QA
- Polarization and Polarization QA
- Vernier scan cross section
- Vernier scan uncertainties
- PPV vetting/debugging
- PPV acceptance correction when triggered on L2W trigger
- BTOW relative gains
- BTOW absolute gains + uncertainty
- Energy resolution of 2x2/3x3 clustering
- TPC pointing accuracy
- W-Algo acceptance corrections (will need input from TPC pointing accuracy)
- we aim to circulate draft in spin PWG ASAP
- we will use only BTOW, TPC, perhaps ETOW for away ET veto. BSMD will not be used.
- no reason to request another production for this publication
- Z's (if confirmed) will not be included in this paper. BTW, the same holds if Zs are not confirmed.
List of task, assigned man power, status (clean it up , structure it )
- vet algo
- absolute BTOW calibration
- relative spin dependent lumi (based on BHT3 in muDst)
- assemble .tex files with outline of the paper
- list of cross checks on the data
- absolute cross section from BHT3
- theory calculation for our bins, vary input PDFs, average sign
- spin bits or bXing --> spin pattern mapping