Begun in earnest 7/28/2009. Let's get "it" done by the end of the first week of August, the 7th.
Goal 1: reduce the number of Quarterly Reporting measures to approximately five. But five that the HD really believes in.
Goal 2: accomodate the changing nature of the tools being used and the metrics they can easily support. Namely, RT-on-the-web to RT-via-the-Warehouse.
Goal 3: organize measures into the natural scheme that Barb like to promote -- People, Process, Product.
Rob, Barb, Barbara
what we have been able to do and what we can still do going forward, and what we could do that's new.
a.) the warehouse does not easily report on custom field values per ticket, certainly not in the easy row-by-row manner that Casetracker and RT did. This affects "Method", "Software", "Hardware", "OS", etc. It may be necessary to pull separate reports for each of these variables. (Which can be easily done in Brio.)
b.) the warehouse ticket_detail table does not keep track of the requestor for a ticket if the requestor does not have an MIT ID., say, or more than one user become lost to the reporting tool. I need to escalate that to tooltime and the warehouse team. To retain the original requestor field text.
Inventory of Measures in FY09.
(until the wiki upgrade to version 3 this weekend, I will leave this tabular data in a separate Excel sheet.)