no meetings for few weeks
May 21, 2009
- Joe/Gene - TPC calibration progress, touch upon expected beam line constraint accuracy
- Rosi/Jan - upgrade of PPV to reconstruct vertex in the transverse plane (for better beam line constraint) diagram, blog from Rosi
- Scott/Alice
- ETOW calibration
- Willie - correcting BSMD pedestal residual vs. fill , example mod 25, all 120 modules, webpage
*Joe/Jan - production of L2W-stream could start ~June 15 - AOB
May 14, 2009
no meeting
May 7, 2009
Present: Gene, Scott, Joe, Jan, Willie, Hal, Dave
- TPC:
- determination of twist & sector alignment in progress, another 10 days needed
- times of Anode HV on/off will be uploaded to DB in a day
- ETOW calib:
- few dead towers needs to be added to DB
- slopes from timing scans will be used to determine gains for towers, once Alice will come to IUCF and work on this, in ~10 days.
- BTOW: pedestals and status tables uploaded to DB. BTOW status tables done & QAed
- Hal run QA comments , spreadsheet