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Momentum and External Force
Description and Assumptions
This model is [generally applicable] (assuming knowledge of the external forces and system constituents).
Problem Cues
This model is especially useful when describing the momentum of systems where external forces are absent (system momentum will be constant) or estimating the force in a process that occurs in a very short time interval such as collisions (impulse will be easier to determine than force).
Learning Objectives
Students will be assumed to understand this model who can:
- Define the momentum of a point particle.
- Define impulse in terms of momentum or in terms of force.
- Give an expression for the time-average force on a system in terms of its momentum.
- Calculate the net external force on a system containing several objects.
- Describe the conditions required for the momentum of a system to be conserved.
- Describe the system that must be considered and the assumptions that lead to approximate conservation of momentum in a collision.
Compatible Systems"> Compatible Systems
Relevant Interactions"> Relevant Interactions
Relevant Definitions"> Relevant Definitions
Laws of Change"> Laws of Change
Diagrammatic Representations"> Diagrammatic Representations
Relevant Examples
ExamplesInvolvingConstantMomentum"> Examples Involving Constant Momentum
ExamplesInvolvingImpulse"> Examples Involving Impulse
ExamplesInvolving1-DCollisions"> Examples Involving 1-D Collisions
ExamplesInvolving2-DCollisions"> Examples Involving 2-D Collisions
ExamplesInvolvingElasticCollisions"> Examples Involving Elastic Collisions
ExamplesInvolvingTotallyInelasticCollisions"> Examples Involving Totally Inelastic Collisions
ExamplesInvolvingContinuousMomentumFlux"> Examples Involving Continuous Momentum Flux
AllExamplesUsingthisModel"> All Examples Using this Model
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Photos courtesy:
Wikimedia Commons by user No-w-ay
in collaboration with H. Caps
Wikimedia Commons by user Uwe Langer
NASA Johnson Space Center (NASA-JSC)
Error formatting macro: live-template: java.lang.NullPointerException