- Approximately 800-900 reports.
- No Barton records. Question: do we add these to Barton? Craig to ask this question.
Updated 7.6.09 - Craig reports that there are approximately 300 items in Barton.
- The pdfs can be OCRed but they will have to be taken apart and changed to tiff files then OCRed which will increase the cost.
Updated - Document Services is purchasing software so that they can OCR from pdf and the cost will be .02 per page
- Amy was able to get the data, will send in an email.
Updated - Amy sent the data see attached, Beverly sent to Carl for review.
- Found 222 reports already in DSpace under the following search in DSpace: MIT-LCS-TR
- The LCS Publication chart on the CSAIL website can be found here: http://mv.ezproxy.com.ezproxyberklee.flo.org/lcs/viewpubs.php?cat=tr