Questions to ask contacts:
- Weight of water people usually carry; containment/transportation vessels
- What kind of distribution mechanism? Is this community-based? Will people need to pay to use it?
- Possibility of it getting stolen...
- What are the priorities/primary concerns for the design?
- Is dosing the same or does it need to be heavier to account for transportation?
- Rationale behind riverside chlorination, rather than HH treatment, etc.
- What is the water quality... especially w.r.t. turbidity
- How many people/families will be using each dispenser? Can we assume ~200 as mentioned in the summary, using approx once a day?
- Ideally how long before chlorine needs to be refilled?
- In current system, are there any issues with water becoming re-contaminated when it is removed from container? due to dirty hands touching water, dirty cups/scoops, etc?
- Has IPA/RWP had ideas for things beside chlorine dispenser to serve the same purpose?
- Do people still have to filter sediments out of their water after it is purified by the chlorine, and if so how do they typically do this?
We should research:
- Other types of dispensers