Visioning ideas, group 1
Jan. 16, 2009
A group of MIT Libraries staff met on Jan. 16 to contribute more thoughts to the process.
Who came:
Nicole Hennig
Sands Fish
Rachel Grubb
Lisa Sweeney
Kris Brewer
Stephen Skuce
Allison Benedetti
Here's what we did during the meeting:
1. readings:
2. watched this video:
What is a vision statement?
3. excerpt from Subject to CHange
4. core values:
Example from
Ideas for core values that would make sense for MIT Libraries:
5. Exercise:
Reversals: The Worst Library Ever
We brainstormed qualities of the worst possible library. Then we reversed these qualities to help us think about what an excellent library could be.
6. Exercise:
What if libraries were like.....
Each person chose one of the following:
- Netflix
- Ebay or Elance
- Zipcar
- Amazon
- Facebook
We then imagined library services that borrow from the qualities we like from those services.