First updated Jan 20, 2009, using data for calendar 2008, generally speaking.
The material here is very raw in some cases. The stories they tell will mature and come into focus over the month of January.
*Our FY08 revenue was $516,553 - only $12,400 short of our revenue budget goal for the year
*DCAD had 1-2 open revenue recovering positions all year
*In FY08 DCAD started 246 projects
*On average DCAD has over 100 active projects going at any one time
*Of those 100+ projects 47 were Service Level agreements for maintenance or hosting.
During calendar 2008, 9 data incidents involving sensitive data were reported to/handled by the Data Incident Response Team, coordinated by ITSS. One involved an MIT partner, the MITFCU, which was not investigated by DIRT. Across the remaining incidents, the data included personally identifying information (SSN) as well as financial information, credit card information, student education records, and MIT confidential business information. Only one incident -- involving one person's SSN -- was deemed to require notification. In all the others, there was no evidence indicating that acquisition of data had occurred.
We concluded that none of the incidents was the result of a malicious attack specifically on the data sources. Two incidents involved lost or stolen devices, the remaining seven were more or less preventable or avoidable, and were the result of programming or device configuration errors, or simple human error.
Previous Years:
CY 2004 = 1 incident => 16k notices
CY 2005 = 1 incident => 100 notices
CY 2006 = 4 incidents => 1000 notices; 10k credit cards reported to banks
CY 2007 = 5 incidents => 0 notices
-- Tim
The IS&T Publishing Team maintains 2,100 pages of web-based IS&T information and documentation. During FY09, we are on track to process 2,540 content updates. Background The IS&T Publishing Team publishes documentation in support of MIT products and services. Our 2,100 pages of content can be found in the IS&T Website and multiple On-Line Help systems. In Q1 & Q2 of FY09, we published 1,272 updates, placing us on target for 2,542 updates by the end of the FY09.
Mark Wiklund
Here are my numbers along with a brief statement:
* IT Training titles offered (Hands-on & Quick Starts) : 71
* IT Training topics/software applications offered: 31
* IT Training classes offered: (Hands-on & Quick Starts): 397
* IT Training attendees (Hands-on & Quick Starts): 2143
* IT Training attendees sent to outside vendors: 80
* IT Training e-learning through Element K licenses in use by MIT community: 1036
These statistics were gathered through the SAP: TEM system. Element K, and through IS&T attendance records, and submitted by Kate Kibbee.
Deb and I have been looking for Office, XP and Vista numbers, but have come
up empty in the short time. I also remembered that we should be including
Student Matlab, but again, do not have the stats filed away.
I think we should go forward with the numbers we have from wserv, the VSLS
numbers (7,000), VMware (1,740) and the best guess I can generate off the
top of my head of 8,000 for Office, XP and Vista downloads. That would also
probably be an ok estimate which includes the licenses that get distributed
through the SW liaisons to whom we mail CD/DVDs for those products. I seem
to recall about 1,000 downloads per quarter for Student Matlab, so 4,000
Please round to the nearest 1,000 and indicate that of that total 7,000
require hands-on processing and the vast majority are self-service systems.
We should pull the supported software products for this iteration.
Here is the data to replace the Academic Machines Supported:
Total estimated number of machines supported by DITR (local desktop support provided by IS&T): 3371 (number adjusted for overlap between SLA and AdminIT machines)
SLA = 1780
DITR Plus = 66
AdminIT = 920
Athena Public Clusters and Quickstations (Including Dorms) = 400
Athena Departmental Machines = 115
Student Laptop Loaner Program = 90
-- Chris
Help Desk
120 calls / day average withn the ACD. 60% of Cases created done by telephone. Cases created per day abotu 100.
75 cases created per day, taken over the year. 40% of that is 30. 245 working days per year. 100 emails per day (@ 3 per case per day). Even call it 200. Walkin interactions are at 20 per day.
My guess is we should use 300 interactions per day, not 400, until we're more careful about the numbers.
Barb and Oliver later converged on about 72000 interactions. Then Oliver foudn accounts transactions that add 15000 to the pile of 72, making 87000, or about 350. Fine.