Friday, February 01, 2008
iBATIS, Spring AOP, AJAX and Other Tools in MTL User/Machine Management System. Jonathan Slate from the Microsystems Technology Lab gave an overview of the evolving MTL User/Machine Management System, highlighting the use of a variety of tools including iBATIS for object-relational mapping, Spring AOP for managing transactions and auditing, and Yahoo!'s YUI for DHTML stuff. We didn't really end up covering DWR for AJAX or Apache Commons Configuration for managing user preferences.
Wednesday, 11/28/2007
Java Compiler Plug-ins. Matthew Papi from the MIT Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory (CSAIL) gave us a demonstration of compiler plug-ins developed in CSAIL that detect null pointer errors, equality testing errors, and mutability errors at compile time, as well as a framework that permits programmers to write new plug-ins to check other properties. More information can be found on the JSR 308 Type-checkers and Framework page. You can also view the slides from the presentation in PDF format.
Wednesday, 10/31/2007
We had a tour of NetBeans 5.5, including information on how to use this popular IDE with Web Services, Acegi Security, and JMX. Wednesday, Held 12:00-1:30 pm in W92-199-Fenway
Wednesday, 9/19/07
A demonstration the Microsystem Technology Laboratories new registration form which uses Spring Web Flow.
Wednesday, 6/27/2007
Our second meeting was held on 6/27 in the W92 Back Bay A conference room (the same room we were in last time). There were presentations on the following topics:
- Building Web services using Apache Axis. The presentation is available in Powerpoint or text format and also the documentation tree.
- MIT specific Web services, including (for more information about these service, contact ISDA)
- Geo Location Service: A SOAP web service to provide two features: mapping domestic and international addresses to a geographic location code and computing the distance between two Geo Codes.
- MIT ID Service: Search for existing ID numbers and generate new ID numbers.
Wednesday, 5/30/2007
We had our first meeting on Wednesday, 5/30 from noon - 1pm in W92 (near the end of Vassar Street, across from the Hyatt). We had presentations on:
- AJAX using DWR
- MAP, the MIT Application Platform that uses the SASH stack (Spring, Axis, Struts, & Hibernate)
A few related links:
- Google Web Toolkit
- ICEfaces (another AJAX tool mentioned after meeting)
- Pragmatic AJAX (book)
- Acegi Security
You can download the example war file for the AJAX/DWR demo. You should be able to pop it into the webapps directory of your tomcat installation to see it in action. You can also extract the files to view the source code, which is included.