Barton Basics:

  • Merge BB, Barton FAQ, and Barton Help; we'd like to be able to link to certain parts
  • In the section on how to request items from LSA.  The screen shots still say Retrospective Collection and Harvard Depository Collection.
  • Add a section on requesting articles from the LSA.  The service hasn't been used as much as expected and we've found that patrons are unsure about how it works or what they have to do to use it.  We thought that improving the self help information may improve use of the service.

Information Navigator (Patty working on!):

  • Make more coherent
  • Static pages boring
  • Redo as LibGuide
  • Incorporate video tutorials when we can; use video button

From meeting with Darcy, 12/9/08:

- Patty will work with us to combine Barton Basics (), Barton FAQ, Barton Help, and Information Navigator! 

- Let's keep Barton technical help (now called Barton FAQ) separate, or at least make it easy to link to the section on Barton technical help.  Rename FAQ so that it reflects that it's technical help.

- Cut the really obvious stuff from both IN and BB, and focus on the tricky stuff.  Include screenshots when it helps, but don't include them for obvious stuff.

- Chunk it up, and make it easy to link to certain sections of the new guide, so we can link to it from Barton, when answering Ask Us reference, etc.

- Patty: incorporate Barton Basics as a concept in Information Navigator, and work with Darcy to plan.  Darcy will go through Help page to figure out what old content to transfer to new page.  

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