Install 3.0E:
Changing the default port: If we want to run it on a port other than 8080, modify the tomcat/conf/server.xml
using mysql instead of the default db:
1. use the extras\databases\mysql\db_setup.sql script to create the mysql db (make sure mysql is default to utf-8)
2. It doesn't come with the mysql jar file, so you will have to download (or move it from a previous alfresco installation) mysql-connector-java.5.0.x-bin.jar to tomcat\lib directory.
3. change tomcat\shared\classes\alfresco\extension\ file and file to use mysql
if you see an error about JAXB 2.0 API during start up, cp the file jaxb-api-2.1.jar
from alfresco.war's \WEB-INF\lib<tt> to tomcat\endorsed
directory and restart the server
If you see error messages about ERROR [activities.feed.AbstractFeedGenerator] Exception during generation of feeds
you need a custom-scheduled-action-services-context.xml file. See the post
Using Alfresco share:
1. if the port is not 8080, replace all the reference to 8080 under webapps/share and webapps/alfresco/wsdl to the new port
2. to enable the sharepoint protocol support, make sure in amps directory there are alfresco-recordsmanagement.amp and vti-module.amp. Run apply_amps.bat in alfresco root directory. Please be aware that it will apply those amps to the alfresco.war file, clean up the webapps\alfresco directory. Next time you restart alfresco, that directory will be regenerated. All changes made directly in webapps/alfresco directory will be lost and have to be remade.