The following is a guide on how to upload a working paper to the CRE RePEc archive. The archive is located here, and the status of the archive can be checked here.
- ssh into the Athena dialup servers. Instructions on how to do so can be found here.
- Navigate to the /afs/ directory.
- Create a .rdf file and fill out the appropriate metadata for the working paper.
- Ensure that the Number field in the .rdf file is unique - a good convention to use is +1 of the Number of the last uploaded paper (e.g., if the last uploaded paper has Number 1234, the next upload should have Number 1235).
- Also ensure that the file name corresponds to the Number.
- A blank template .rdf file as well as a pre-filled example .rdf file are attached to this page. More information on the structure of these .rdf files can be found here.
- Place the .rdf file you have created into the /afs/ directory.