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- Check that the MAP systems users are created, Apache, PHP, and Touchstone are all installed on this system.
ls -l /home
/home/www/apache/bin/apachectl --version
php --version
/etc/init.d/shibd status
- Get the Drupal install package from the MAP software repository on Trogdor, and unpack it, and install into a home directory.
scp root@trogdor:/opt/software-repository-tmp/PHP/drupal-6.4.tar.gz /home/www/tmp
cd /home/www
tar -xzvf /home/www/tmp/drupal-6.4.tar.gz
ln -s /home/www/drupal-6.4 /home/www/drupal
cd /home/www/drupal
- Change the DocumentRoot settings to reflect the Drupal directory.
sed -i s#'DocumentRoot "/home/www/apache/htdocs"'#'DocumentRoot "/home/www/drupal"'# /home/www/apache/conf/httpd.conf
sed -i s#'DocumentRoot "/home/www/apache/htdocs"'#'DocumentRoot "/home/www/drupal"'# /home/www/apache/conf/extra/httpd-ssl.conf
- Create the settings.php file.
cd /home/www/drupal
cp sites/default/default.settings.php sites/default/settings.php
cp /home/www/apache/htdocs/phpinfo.php /home/www/drupal
chown -R www:www /home/www
chmod o+w /home/www/drupal/sites/default/settings.php
chmod o+w /home/www/drupal/sites/default
- Setup the database.
- Create the database script
mkdir /home/www/sql
cd /home/www/sql
cat > setup-db-[dbname].sql
create database [dbname];
grant all on [dbname].* to '[dbuser]'@'localhost' identified by '*****' with grant option;
grant all on [dbname].* to '[dbuser]'@'localhost.localdomain' identified by '*****' with grant option;
cat > rempve-db-[dbname].sql
drop database [dbname];
revoke all privileges, grant option from '[dbuser]'@'localhost';
drop user '[dbuser]'@'localhost';
mysql -p < setup-db-[dbname].sql
- Replace the dbname, dbuser, and ***** with appropriate database name, database username, and password. Also add additional lines for each server that will need to access the database, replacing 'localhost' and 'localhost.localdomain' with the server hostname and server hostname.domainname.
- Replace the socket setting for PHP with the local MySQL socket, or replace the MySQL server setting with the remote server that hosts the database.
- For a local database, replace the default socket with the local socket.
sed -i s#'mysql.default_socket ='#'mysql.default_socket = "/tmp/mysql.sock"'# /home/www/php/lib/php.ini
sed -i s#'mysqli.default_socket ='#'mysqli.default_socket = "/tmp/mysql.sock"'# /home/www/php/lib/php.ini
- For a remote MySQL server, set the default port and host. Use the remote server's hostname to replace "MySQL server hostname".
sed -i s#'mysql.default_port ='#'mysql.default_port = "3306"'# /etc/php.ini
sed -i s#'mysql.default_host ='#'mysql.default_host = "[MySQL server hostname]"'# /etc/php.ini
sed -i s#'mysqli.default_port ='#'mysqli.default_port = "3306"'# /etc/php.ini
sed -i s#'mysqli.default_host ='#'mysqli.default_host = "[MySQL server hostname]"'# /etc/php.ini
- Bounce the server to bring the added PHP options into use.
- To run the Drupal install script, go to the base URL of the server. If you encounter problems with SQL syntax errors, check your browsers cookie settings (must be enabled for the server your are setting up), check the various solutions on this site, then drop and recreate the database, and try again.
- For the site and root user email addresses, use mapsupport@`hostname -f`. Use the user facing hostname for the site hostname, and in the email addresses. Since there are occasionally problems with Drupal root users not named 'admin', use 'admin' as the root username for Drupal (pending: if this is confirmed as fixed, then use 'maproot').
- Edit /home/www/apache/conf/extra/httpd-modules.conf, and uncomment the line for
- Copy the Drupal .htaccess file into the Apache extra confs directory.
cp /home/www/drupal/.htaccess /home/www/apache/conf/extra/httpd-drupal.conf
chown -R www:www /home/www
- Edit /home/www/apache/conf/httpd.conf, and add an Include for the Drupal configs at the bottom of the drupal directory section. Remove or comment out other settings.
<Directory "/home/www/drupal">
# Drupal configurations
Include /home/www/apache/conf/extra/httpd-drupal.conf