Question: Will we browse as well as search
Will all collections be browseable
Are there things outside collections that are browserable or searchable?
Do we plan to dynamically discover and incorporate other collections?
Is there another user facing app?
Who is responsible for supporting these additional user facing apps?
Assertion: People will search multiple collections at a time.
Assertion: People want to see results integrated, as opposed to separated by collection. Stores in shopping mall model as opposed to department store.
Do we want to identify the collections in some way, and are these the same as what we're considering a "repository" internally.
Definition: Collection - Is a logical grouping of assets whose members have some arbitrary commonality.
Definition: Assets may have assets.
Will we offer an API that allows other apps to exercise
What workflow governs adding, updating, repository
Question: Does everyone get to browse/search everything? Or may some people have more or less privileges than others
Question: Is this a Section 508 compliant application?
Will the app be skinnable?
What kind of browsing models do we want to support? What dictates which asset presend another.
What kind of queries do we expect?
Will word stemming or proximity searching be supported?
What indication will we provide that a search is underway?