This page outlines the process of Program/Course Updates
Program Updates and Course/Subject Updates utilize similar but different systems.
Subject Proposal Management - for individual courses and significant changes (updates to units, grading type, enrollment limits/prerequisites, etc.). This system is also used for proposing a new subject.
Any changes, at all, must include a "Rationale", even if it's simply "update to course description - minor change.
Log in to the system, and search for a course to edit
Select "Edit Subject" and make changes as necessary.
Select "Start Workflow" when you have made all changes necessary and included a rationale.
Once you "Start Workflow" any other changes you need to make require the approval of prior changes to be halted and sent backward to you. So, only "Start Workflow" when you have no other changes to input for a course.
If you have only some of the changes you need to make available to you, you can make the changes and then select "Save Changes" until you've made all necessary updates, at which time you can select "Start Workflow".