Lines Diagram
Note: To minimize the chance of tangling of the wires and the lines in the mission package tube we were planning on using a mesh separation that would section the tube into two, one channel for the lines and a smaller channel for the wires.
Lines Sizing
Name | Length | Length from CDR (the corrected length) | Comments before CDR Lengths |
Nosecone Riser | 12 in | 20 in | Better to make this 16 inches to make sure we clear the nose cone. |
S Long Riser | 200 in | 190 in | We can also cut down on this a little - we just need it to be longer than nose cone riser + drogue riser + load-bearing riser which is 170 inches (using my suggested nose cone riser length) so maybe do that + 10 inches = 180 inches. Also we need to add in extra length for TD+TD Loops. |
S Drogue Riser | 142 in | 142 in | |
S Load Bearing Riser | 12 in | 12 in | |
S Main Riser | 160 in | 130 in | I think this is a bit long (we don't need to apply the same 4x body length rule for energy dissipation since we'll ideally be deploying under drogue) and the longer it is the higher risk we have for line tangling prior to main inflation. I would change this to maybe 130 inches. |
S Motor Riser | 50 in | 50 in | |
Staging cone Riser | 16.29 in | 10 in | I think this can be a bit shorter given how short the staging cone is, maybe make this one 10 inches. |
B Long Riser | 271.43 in | 240 in | Same comment as above: just need it to be longer than staging cone riser + drogue riser + load-bearing riser which is 220 inches (using my suggested staging cone riser length) so maybe do that + 10 inches = 230 inches. We also need to add in extra length for TD+TD Loops. |
B Drogue Riser | 192.71 in | 193 in | |
B Load Bearing Riser | 16.29 in | 17 in | |
B Main Riser | 217.14 in | 200 in | same as sus: I think this is a bit long (we don't need to apply the same 4x body length rule for energy dissipation since we'll ideally be deploying under drogue) and the longer it is the higher risk we have for line tangling prior to main inflation. I would change this to maybe 200 inches. |
B Motor Riser | 67.86 in | 68 in |
Sustainer overall riser length: 204(drogue), 210in(main) → matches 70 inch body tube for sus
Booster overall riser length: 277 (drogue), 285in (main) → matches 95 inch body tube for booster
Want long riser > nosecone + drogue + load-bearing = 166 inches
Need load-bearing risers + TD loops < main riser