This page outlines the OGE Degree Meetings
- There are degree meeting 3 times annually (September, February, May)
- In advance of the meeting, each department receives a list from the registrar of candidates who will be receiving degrees.
- This list is generated from the degree application in WEBSIS. If someone who you think is graduating is not on the list, it may be because they forgot to apply.
- The Grad Admin needs to review and clear the list and then obtain the signature of the Graduate Officer to approve the list.
- if anyone needs to come of the list because they will not be graduating, let the registrar now.
- the most common reason for this would be someone who needs more time with thesis writing
- The Grad Admin brings the signed list to the meeting. Assuming all is well, it is passed in at that time.
- If there were any issues with any student, it should be brought to the attention of OGE and the Registrar, ideally in advance of the meeting.
This meeting is mostly performative and should not be the place to introduce any major academic issue. Under the new OGE leadership, this format might change.